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Beef burger: a versatile recipe that you can integrate with onion or spinach

Beef burger: a versatile recipe that you can integrate with onion or spinach

Beef burger: a versatile recipe that you can integrate with onion or spinach

know how to cook a meat hamburger is essential to get out of trouble, especially since it is a prescription simple where you can add various additional ingredients such as onion or spinach, and make it more flavorful. Yo Madre’s Recipes It gives us the simplest steps with ingredients at everyone’s fingertips.

Write down this recipe:


  • ½ kilo of ground beef
  • 2 eggs
  • A small grated carrot
  • A teaspoon of salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • ½ teaspoon cumin
  • ½ teaspoon oregano
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic
  • ½ cup of breadcrumbs


Mix the ground meat with the eggs, the finely grated carrot, the salt, the pepper, the cumin, the oregano and the breadcrumbs. Mix all the ingredients well, preferably using your clean hand, to ensure that all the seasonings are well dispersed. Try to make balls with the mixture, they will be the base of your hamburgers. If it feels too sticky to your hands, add more breadcrumbs until you get the right consistency. Make balls according to the size of the burger you want. Then flatten slightly with your fingers to give it the final shape. Fry the hamburgers in very hot oil, but on low heat so that they cook well inside. Don’t neglect preparation.

NOTE: This type of hamburger is very versatile. Following the same steps you can ‘camouflage’ any ingredient that adds nutrients for your children, such as chopped spinach, onion, peppers and even peas, previously parboiled.

Source: Elcomercio

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