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Enjoy a powerful beef and pork sancochado with this recipe

Enjoy a powerful beef and pork sancochado with this recipe

Enjoy a powerful beef and pork sancochado with this recipe

A hot soup is fine at any time of winter, but if it is parboiled we’re talking about a house party. Yo Madre’s Recipes teaches us to cook this classic Creole cuisine dish in a direct and uncomplicated way.

Write down all the ingredients of this recipe:


  • A kilo of beef parboiled
  • ½ kilo of pork belly (optional)
  • ½ cup of rice
  • 4 large white potatoes
  • ½ kilo of cassava
  • a big carrot
  • 4 celery stalks
  • A large piece of pore
  • a large turnip
  • 2 corn
  • Oregano to taste fresh or dry
  • Salt to taste


Step 1: In about 4 liters of water, boil your chopped meat with oregano and a teaspoon of salt. Let it boil for about 30 minutes. In this step you can choose to use only beef or mix with another type of meat, such as pork belly.

Step 2: When the meat is almost ready, remove it from the pot and reserve. In this broth add all the vegetables that you chopped to your liking, the potatoes cut in two, the cassava and the whole corn or in pieces. For parboiling, the pieces of vegetables must be large. Let it cook and then remove everything and reserve.

Step 3: Add rice to the broth and let it cook until its grains burst. At the end taste the salt and taste, and it will be ready to serve.

Step 4: When serving this sancochado, I recommend placing the meat, vegetables, potatoes, cassava and corn on a plate; and the broth, apart.

NOTE: If you want to enjoy this dish to the fullest, I recommend preparing a sauce made from diced red onion, a little bit of parsley and finely chopped red chili, diced fresh cheese, oil, lemon, salt and pepper. A perfect accompaniment.

Source: Elcomercio

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