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These are the 10 best restaurants to eat in Peru

These are the 10 best restaurants to eat in Peru

These are the 10 best restaurants to eat in Peru

Peruvian cuisine is one of the best valued worldwide. The success in the different rankings such as the 50 Best Latam, 50 Best or the World Culinary Awards 2022 have made Peruvian restaurants highly visited. If you are planning a trip to eat in a Peruvian restaurant, here we tell you which are the 10 best:

Address: Calle Santa Isabel 376, Miraflores

Recognized as the second best restaurant in the world by ‘The World’s 50 Best Restaurants’, as the best in the ’50 Best Latam’ and third place in the 2022 Summum Awards, Central proposes to know Peru through its ingredients and flavors. Virgilio Martínez is committed to enlivening the senses by offering products from fourteen ecosystems and different altitudes, with the aim of highlighting the megadiversity of Peru. These are the experiences it offers:

DESNIVEL TERRITORY EXPERIENCE – 950 soles per person: A journey through 12 ecosystems of our territory.

CREATIVITY OF THE DAY MENU – 950 soles per person: A new trip, the trip of the day. 12 heights

MUNDO MATER EXPERIENCE – 1064 soles per person: Explore 14 ecosystems of the Mater world.

WORLD CREATIVITY MENU – 1064 soles per person: A new trip, the trip of the day. 14 heights.


Calle San Martin 399, Miraflores

Mitsuharu “Micha” Tsumura, the ambassador of Nikkei cuisine, is behind Maido, the third best restaurant in Latin America according to the ’50 Best Latam’ and the 11 best in the world according to ‘The World’s 50 Best Restaurants’. In addition, the fusion that he has achieved between Japanese techniques and ingredients with Peruvian elements has positioned him as one of the best. The restaurant invites its visitors to live three types of experience:

NIKKEI EXPERIENCE at 559 soles per person

WITH PAIRING at 948 soles per person

VEGGIE EXPERIENCE at 350 soles per person.

3. Mayta

Av. La Mar 1285, Miraflores

Jaime Pesaque’s restaurant offers a personal and contemporary expression of Peruvian cuisine and territory. It has been recognized as the best restaurant in the world according to the ‘World Culinary Awards 2022’, the 33rd best in the world according to ‘The World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ and the ninth best in Latin America by the ’50 Best Latam’. Its menu is made up of dishes such as: Duck egg, golden gizzards, chupe rissoto and candied paiche. Prices range from 12 soles to 135 soles.


Calle San Martin 300, Miraflores

This is Rafael Osterling’s first restaurant and it has reached 32nd place in the ’50 Best Latam’ and fourth in the Summum Awards. This space has allowed it to have more than 20 years of success among the local and foreign public. In addition, his proposal, which is based on lifelong flavors reinterpreted under a deep and cosmopolitan look, has helped a lot to this great fame. Prices are between 80 soles and 400 soles. Office hours are Monday from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Tuesday to Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

5. Astrid & Gaston

Av. Paz Soldán 290, San Isidro

Ranked 30th in ‘The 50 Best Latam’, Astrid & Gastón is the setting where traditional ingredients, classic culinary techniques and flavors that unite Peruvians, under the supervision of Gastón Acurio and Astrid Gutsche, conquer palates. The proposal includes starters such as the old cause, main courses such as pan-fried sole or guinea pig confit and desserts such as burnt flan. Prices range from 12 soles to 188 soles.


Av. Pedro de Osma 301, Barranco

In eighth place of the ’50 Bes Latam’, Kjolle receives the name of a tree that grows at extreme heights and this is the kitchen of Pía León, where the colors of the ingredients with origin defined by Mater Iniciativa prevail. In addition, it is characterized by the fusion of products, for example those from the sea meet others from valleys, high altitude lakes, mountains and Amazon forests. Prices range from 46 soles to 92 soles.

7. Isoline

Av. Prolongación San Martín 101, Barranco

José del Castillo’s restaurant makes a space in the ’50 Best Latam’ and is ranked 68th and sixth in the Summum Awards. This restaurant, which bears the name of his mother, opened its doors in 2015 offering grandmother’s recipes, abundant stews and flavors that are a party, that’s Creole food. Prices are as follows:

Sandwiches and Calentados: 22 soles

Tickets: 23 soles – 79 soles

Personal dishes: 39 soles – 69 soles

Seconds: 49 soles – 89 soles

8. The Sea

Av. La Mar 770, Miraflores

La Mar is the cebichería where Gastón Acurio shows off his culinary skills, offering dishes in their most classic versions. Cebiches, whole grilled fish and hearty soups; there are options for everyone. Prices range from 29 soles and 348 soles.

9. Cosmas

Av. Tudela y Varela 162, San Isidro

Cosme was born in June 2013 at the hands of Alvaro Raffo, Juan Lengua, Guillermo Lohmann and James Berckemeyer. The restaurant had the challenge of offering high quality cuisine with the touch and flavor of home. The cuisine is based on the “comfort food” concept. The name is in honor of the San Cosme hill, one of the first popular neighborhoods that was formed in Lima. The menu offers octopus in olive oil, calf in juice, angus burger, among other dishes.

Av. Felipe Pardo y Aliaga 660, San Isidro / Av. El Polo 660, Santiago de Surco

Osaka is ranked 2nd in the 2022 Summum Awards, its Nikkei cuisine turned into art, has allowed it to win over diners. In Osaka they take care of everything down to the smallest detail, with an experience that has transcended borders, reaching eight cities in the world, always with the premise of sharing around good food.

Source: Elcomercio

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