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How to take food photos and other foodie tips for new content creators

How to take food photos and other foodie tips for new content creators

How to take food photos and other foodie tips for new content creators

Social networks have allowed anyone to comment or share information on a certain topic, gastronomy could not be oblivious to this great opportunity, so foodies also moved to Instagram accounts to share photos and videos with food lovers. videos of interest Provecho spoke with Dateando Perú and Food Diary to learn about her experience and with Jimena Naranjo, a food photographer, who gave some recommendations for unforgettable photos.

dating peru

Mirna and Eigi are behind Dateando Perú, an Instagram account that was born in 2018 to share with their friends the places they visited when their relationship as a couple was just beginning. “At that time we started going out and we didn’t know where to go to eat, we worked in La Mar and we searched on TripAdvisor, but we didn’t feel it was very reliable, so we asked why we don’t do that,” the couple says.

So they created their account and began to visit different locations. They didn’t know that there were other people doing something similar like them, so when they found out, they began to interact with other foodies.

Mirna and Eigi’s experience has led them to know that it is necessary to interact in that environment, regarding the content, at first they took many photos from all angles to find the best one and it did help them, but over the years, With practice and after enrolling in some photography courses, they have identified the best angle for each dish. For example, if they are going to take a photo of a dessert, it is better to do it from the side and not from above, this will make it look louder. Light is the priority, so they have decided to record everything in the morning, taking advantage of the irreplaceable daylight.

Regarding the recommendations, they have been as honest as possible with their followers. “From the beginning we knew that we were going to be honest and upload what we like to be transparent with our audience.” Datingo will venture into new pet-friendly locations to incorporate your pet into your visits. They are sure that this will help them reach a new audience.

Is Food Diary

The idea of ​​Food Diary was born from Isabella Sipan and her friend, it was in 2015 when they decided to create an account to publish the restaurants they visited. “With a friend we created an Instagram account with photos of what we ate. Our friends began to follow us and began to ask us for recommendations and that’s how it was.”

Their process was not linear, from 2015 to 2019 they published when they could, without having a strategy behind them, however, that is how they managed to have an important community, but it was not until 2020 that her friend decided to take another path and Isabella decided to continue with account. Even though the pandemic started, she managed to “take off”.

For Isabella, creating content and having a profile aligned with her strategy has been a bit easier because she is a journalist and has always enjoyed taking photos. She began by looking at the profiles of other influencers and posting provocative photos for the user, always prioritizing that they look rich. Until after a while she found her own style.

In fact, having the style of today is related to his decision to show what he really consumed and not post to get likes. “The content began to diversify and with time and fashion my content became more aesthetic and now I give priority to not having visual noise and the product to be displayed in its best state.”

In the eyes of Jimena Naranjo

Jimena Naranjo is a photographer by profession, but for a few years she has focused on photographing food. In fact, as a result of the pandemic, her branch stopped looking like a hobby and became the right hand of all the restaurants and entrepreneurs that she had to sell. your dishes or snacks. “We are in a country where gastronomy is very important and my profession after the pandemic acquired added value because we enhance gastronomy and the beauty of food,” says Jimena.

She works with different brands, restaurants, and entrepreneurs who have decided to count on her support, but one thing she assures is that photography for social networks is different, and these are some of her tips:

The lighting for the food is very important because it looks attractive, this is a general advice, but for social media the images have to be simple and direct at the same time because you only have a second or two to attract attention. There shouldn’t be too many distracting elements and be pretty casual and real because the consumer wants to see what they’re going to get. “If you take photos with your cell phone, try to make your food look delicious. The natural light is very beautiful and my advice is to take photos as you would like to see them”, says Jimena.

Recommendations for future foodies

– Work content days in advance so that there is always content to publish.

– Talk with other people in the field to create new content and find out what users are looking for.

– Be honest with the recommendations.

– Do not be focused on likes or comments, the important thing is to be real, natural and this will allow you to create a more real community.

Source: Elcomercio

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