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Stuffed Zucchini: the perfect recipe to introduce vegetables to the menu

Stuffed Zucchini: the perfect recipe to introduce vegetables to the menu

Stuffed Zucchini: the perfect recipe to introduce vegetables to the menu

This recipe is very rich, the little ones love it and it is a good way to include vegetables in their meals. It is even practical because you can advance with the preparation from the day before.


  • 5 u. medium zucchini

For the meat filling:

  • 500 g. ground meat
  • 1 u. diced large white onion
  • 3 u. peeled and diced tomatoes
  • 2 u. grated garlic clove
  • 1 tablespoon toasted oregano
  • Pulp removed from the chopped or blended pumpkins*
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil approximately
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese

For the white sauce (Mornay):

  • 400ml. fresh milk
  • 2.5 tablespoons of butter
  • 2.5 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper
  • Nutmeg (a pinch optional)


Wash and cut the zucchini in half, lengthwise, cutting the tip and the base very carefully so that it does not lose its concave shape.

*With the help of a spoon, remove the seeds from the pumpkins to form a uniform hole in the center (do not remove much pulp). The idea is that there is a base that supports the filling and that you can also enjoy the zucchini. Then chop or blend the removed squash and reserve it. Add salt to the squash “boats” and place them upside down in a large strainer for 30 minutes, so that excess water is released. Then remove excess salt with a paper towel and leave them dry. Immediately brush the inside and outside of the pumpkins with olive oil and then seal them in a preheated oven at a high temperature for approximately 10 minutes. This step can be advanced the day before if they wish, they should only be refrigerated when they cool.

For the white sauce:

In a thick-bottomed pot over medium heat add the butter, when it starts to melt add the flour and stir with a spoonful of stick to form a dough and cook for a couple of minutes. Then add the cold or room temperature milk and beat with a balloon whisk so that lumps do not form. Cook until the sauce has a creamy texture, for approximately 10 minutes. Finally remove it from the heat and add the egg yolk and incorporate it immediately so that it does not cook and lumps do not form. Add the cheese, salt and pepper (if you wish you can grate a pinch of nutmeg). Ready the sauce! Reserve

For the filling:

In a heavy-bottomed pot, seal the ground meat with vegetable oil and remove it. In the same pot add the onion and a little salt so that it sweats and raises the meat juices and cook it for about 10 minutes. Then add the garlic and tomatoes and cook them for 10 more minutes. Later add the pulp of the blended pumpkin and the ground meat and cook until the excess liquid evaporates for approximately 15 minutes. Then taste and season with salt, pepper and oregano. Later add the white sauce and incorporate all the ingredients well. Finally fill the zucchini and add Parmesan cheese on top. Cook for approximately 10 minutes in broil or until the cheese is gratin. Serve and enjoy. I hope you are encouraged to prepare them!

For more recipes for the little ones in the house and for the whole family, follow me every Monday on Advantage.

My love,


Source: Elcomercio

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