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Petite Desserts, the popular virtual pastry shop now has its own cafeteria to satisfy all those sweet cravings

Petite Desserts, the popular virtual pastry shop now has its own cafeteria to satisfy all those sweet cravings

Petite Desserts, the popular virtual pastry shop now has its own cafeteria to satisfy all those sweet cravings

“I’m a glutton,” confesses, between laughs, the young woman who always knew she wanted to study gastronomy. During her classes, at Le Cordon Bleu University, she realized that her world was among the precise and sweet formulas of pastry. Later, she was inspired by American baking as she loves its laid-back style: plump desserts dripping with fudge, “like food porn”.


Petite Desserts began, almost playing, as a snack to save money and pay for his studies. It was 2017 and she was selling, through social networks, small desserts to her friends and acquaintances. She prepared in her house the recipes that she learned from her family and her books and, when she saw that she could do business, she returned to study purely pastry.

The pandemic arrived and, when delivery was imposed, it grew both in sales and followers in networks. In this short journey, she remembers two milestones since the creation of her brand: Mother’s Day 2020 when she prepared more than 30 cakes alone, in 1 day, with her modest home oven. And during the edition of the Filo festival, dedicated to chocolate cakes, in which his was selected. “It was a success and there I said ‘I need help, I can’t do it alone anymore’”, she recalls.

Iturry has hardly changed its dessert recipes from the start.  The chocolate cake is among the favorites.

At that time, I worked almost from 7 am to 11 pm. I did not stop, between preparing the delicacy, baking cakes, decorating cakes, responding to orders, sending them, cleaning the kitchen, doing the shopping, etc. “He was so tired that I even thought about leaving him. He did not live, ”he says. At that moment, his sister Krys, an administrator with experience in the gastronomic sector, arrived and she became his partner. At the beginning of 2021, the trio was completed with his brother Santiago, who is currently in charge of production. With his help, Petite Desserts continued to grow: they moved into an apartment (half home-half workshop) and invested in products (a commercial oven, blender, packaging). Until he found the place.

“My goal has not been to open several stores. I like to be here in my local”

Camila Iturry, owner of Petite Desserts


Camila loves being behind the bar serving customers. She also likes to see the well decorated display case with cakes and pies on display. She always had the idea of ​​starting an establishment, but she admits her insecurities when she was faced with the idea of ​​opening a coffee shop since she did not know about coffee and little about the salty world. “For me, the idea of ​​the place was to take out desserts, but people love to sit and talk […] I have several restaurant friends and they advised me to have everything to get the most out of it. It scared me, but we did it!” she says enthusiastically.

When he opened the cafeteria, he ventured into the world of savouries.

Now she also fills the role of barista at Petite Desserts. The coffee is from Cajamarca and they serve from espresso to cold drinks (frappé and iced cappuccino). Among the desserts, whose recipes have not changed much since their inception, the most requested are the chocolate cake (in 1 week they can sell more than 200 portions), the lemon pie and the flipped cream (but there is also Red Velvet, pie of passion fruit, etc.). If you want salty, the most popular are the rump empanada and the chicken croissant. The menu is completed with juices and infusions. For autumn – winter, plan to bring out pastries (such as cinnamon rolls) and other seasonal desserts.

It does not forget its origins, so the delivery continues to work. Whole cakes are always popular and custom ones take the longest: decorating alone can take 1-3 hours.

For this year, Camila Iturry wants to better organize her production, perhaps open another workshop (again from her home) and thus enlarge the team (currently there are 9 people). “My goal has not been to open several stores. I like to be here, in my store, ”she says and you will find her there.

The Petite Desserts store is located in San Borja.  They also do delivery.


Address: Jr. Paseo del Bosque 549, San Borja.

Telephone: 926 850 498.

Mutual support

Camila Iturry is a partner of Alexander Quesquén, founder of A Comer. Quickly, she breaks the stereotypes that one may have: “they tell me, ‘how cute! You baker, he cook; they are hallucinated that he makes dinner and I make dessert. But there is no way, ever! [risas] We don’t have time, we go out to eat. The truth is that they do complement each other but from other facets: she is more of a perfectionist and he is more relaxed. Both shake hands and provide their point of view on the other’s work. While we talk, Camila does not stop mentioning all the support that he has given her: “She is always there giving moral support. It has encouraged me to study and undertake”.

Source: Elcomercio

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