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A wine club? This is the place in Lima where you can taste wines from all over the world without being an expert

The wines, like people, there are thousands of types and different labels, so there is something for all tastes, all you have to do is find the ideal one for each one and that is precisely what is done in Mostum. “This is a place where we believe that people can learn, we tell them everything about wine, the best ways to do some things, but always without telling them what to do, in the end each one decides how to do it and we we are there to clear up any doubts”, says Jorge.

The birth of a wine club

Jorge Oblitas declares himself a lifelong fan of wine and to this is added his passion for people to know how things work, then he realized that many people had doubts about wine and that few people could solve them in the best way , so he decided to create a space in which people feel comfortable to ask questions, get away from prejudices and dedicate themselves to enjoying themselves.

“It always happens that people don’t drink because they don’t know or don’t ask because they’re embarrassed and that’s not right, because for example, aromas are subjective, most aromas are memories, if you say that the wine reminds you of Your granny, that’s right, maybe because there was a lemon tree at the door of your granny’s house, you didn’t know what that was, but for you that is the smell of your granny’s house, so what right do I have? to say no The most important thing in wine is that you answer two questions, it smells good or it smells bad, it tastes good or it tastes bad, that is enough and the rest can be a plus to improve the experience”.

The secret of pairing

One of the main focuses for the came everyday is that it can be served with food from home and to demonstrate that this can be done, in Mostum Wine Club They have a guide to Peruvian dishes and how to pair them. “The carapulcra, the ají de gallina, the arroz con pollo, the arroz con huevo, the arroz chaufa, we pair all of this and we always try to say which wine it goes with. In addition, we believe that the best food in the world, which is ours, is on a par with the best wines in the world, so it is something that we always emphasize”, says Jorge.

Just as they resolve the question of pairing with Peruvian dishes, it also tells the stories of the winestips are given such as letting the glass breathe, how to feel the aromas or what each label means.

Mostum’s experiences

Every two weeks they have different experiences such as pairing with Peruvian food, another related to Italian migration and it all depends on the moment in time or on the new wines come to the club.

“One thing that happens, since the place is small and since trust is transmitted, the tables end up becoming friends and suddenly you see at the end of the night that where there were five tables, now there is only one, they all put their tables together, they are all friends and meet for the next event. So that is what is sought, the atmosphere is very nice, people always come back and what we seek is to promote wine”says George.

The new acquisition: Australian wines

Through Food Wine and Tools, the wines Australians from the Brown Brothers winery, the second most recognized brand in Australia. Since 1889, the winery has been producing wines and they consider themselves traditionalists and experimentalists, offering users different types: sweet, sparkling, red, fresh and frizzy. Six are available: Dolcetto & Sirah, Moonstruck Chardonay, Moonstruck Sparkling Moscato, Zibibbo Rosé, Winemaker’s Seriez Shiraz and Everton Shiraz.

As Jorge points out, Australia is the sixth largest wine producer in the world, the most cultivated grape being Shiraz or better known in the world as syra. They are mostly sweet wines that quickly captivate the palate.

Source: Elcomercio

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