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Grilled chicken: what are the 10 best chicken shops in Lima?  The expert guide

Grilled chicken: what are the 10 best chicken shops in Lima? The expert guide

Grilled chicken: what are the 10 best chicken shops in Lima?  The expert guide

The more than 8,000 chicken shops in Lima announce it as such: grilled chicken is one of the favorite dishes in these lands. And there are for all tastes: with the traditional recipe, with different types of potatoes, served with rice and even chaufa.

The origin of this dish goes back to the end of the 40s, when, in the Ate district, in the Santa Clara area, Roger Schuler inaugurated “La Granja Azul”, the first venue where the now famous grilled chicken.

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Thanks to Franz Ulrich, the expert who devised the oven with rotating bars, Schuler founded the first grilled chicken restaurant after several tests with different mechanisms until, finally, the model that is used and manufactured to this day was established. The idea came after Schuler saw his cook bake little chickens in a similar, but more rudimentary way.

Today this dish is a must on Peruvian tables. And for this reason, in this gallery we invite you to find out where the best ones are sold in the capital.

Source: Elcomercio

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