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Teeth and food: drinks and foods that harm your teeth

All the food and drinks we consume must be transformed into small molecules so that they can be absorbed, they go through a series of processes. The first is chewing, which is done in the mouth, thanks to the teeth, this is an important sensory and motor process; so we must take care of our teeth. Here are some foods that could damage our tooth enamel and cause cavities.

It is worth mentioning that this article does not replace an appointment with the dentist or a nutritionist, and it is recommended that these specialists be visited at least a couple of times a year to find out if we are in optimal health. We continue.

Relationship teeth and nutrition

We need our teeth to be healthy in order to have better digestion, and many times we do not pay due attention to them. We only go to the dentist when we feel pain; instead of doing it as a preventive measure. The teeth fulfill the function of tearing, crushing and grinding food. In addition, when we begin to chew, our salivary glands produce saliva, a digestive juice that moistens food for easier transport down the esophagus to the stomach. Saliva contains amylase, an enzyme that begins to chemically break down sugars and starches in food.

According to the World Health Organization, oral and chronic non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.) share the same risk factors, among which we find tobacco, alcohol and diets rich in free sugars. In addition, people with diabetes are more at risk of developing periodontitis (inflammation or infection of the gums).

Sugar damages our teeth, it is not a discovery;  but we don't take it as important as it should.

To strengthen our teeth, in addition to having proper hygiene and visiting the dentist, we must consume foods that are a source of calcium, such as tofu, broccoli, cauliflower, almonds, sesame seeds, kale, dairy products, among others. And to fix that calcium in our teeth, it is important to have an adequate dose of vitamin D, which we obtain through exposing ourselves to the sun at least three times a week for about 20 minutes. If we want to avoid decalcification, we must also avoid consuming drinks with large amounts of sodium and phosphorus, such as sodas.

Foods that could cause cavities

Since we were children we have heard that we should not consume sweets or sweets because we can generate dental caries. But how true is this? The WHO defines caries as a dental disease that “It occurs when the bacterial plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth converts the free sugars in food and drinks into acids that destroy the tooth over time.”.

As the document explains:Continuous high intake of free sugars, insufficient fluoride exposure, and poor plaque removal by brushing can lead to tooth decay, pain, and sometimes tooth loss and infection..

So, the foods that could worsen the condition or cause cavities are all the added sugars that are added to drinks and foods. In addition, from candies, chewing gum, chocolate-flavored candies, soft drinks, box juices, desserts, sugary drinks, alcohol and any product high in sugar.

Children under two years of age should not have sweets or sugar in their meals.  Let's prevent them from having cavities as children and encourage healthy habits for a healthy adulthood.

Tips to take care of teeth

The World Health Organization revealed through a report issued in November 2022 that neglect of oral health affects almost half of the world’s population. “The most frequent oral diseases are dental caries, severe periodontitis, tooth loss and oral cancer.the report reads.

Furthermore, he claims that the Untreated dental caries is the most prevalent condition worldwide, affecting an estimated 2.5 billion people.. Severe periodontitis, one of the leading causes of total tooth loss, is estimated to affect one billion people worldwide.

The WHO indicates that to prevent these diseases and others that attack the teeth and mouth, we must:

  • Have a balanced diet low in free sugars.
  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Drink water as your main drink.
  • Eliminate tobacco use in all its forms
  • Reduction of alcohol consumption
  • Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste (1,000 to 1,500 ppm) twice a day.
  • Visit the dentist at least twice a year

Source: Elcomercio

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