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Microwave desserts: the basic guide for you to imitate viral recipes

Microwave desserts: the basic guide for you to imitate viral recipes

Microwave desserts: the basic guide for you to imitate viral recipes

Are you craving sweets? Do you know that you can prepare desserts easily and quickly in your microwave? It has become fashionable to prepare everything from mug cakes to cakes and even cookies in the microwave, since it is ideal for heating small portions of food quickly. For everything, there are tricks. In this note we share some basic tips for you to prepare fluffy desserts for yourself.

  • Look at the dimensions of your microwave

This will give you a guideline so that you can calculate the type of mold or containers that you can introduce without being damaged or not fitting in the appliance.

  • Consider the materials of the molds

For dessert molds that are suitable for microwaves, it is suggested that they be made of pyrex, porcelain or ceramic, their material resists temperatures very well, both hot and cold. If you plan to use plastic or silicone molds, make sure they are microwave-safe. For no reason should you introduce stainless steel containers or tableware decorated with metallic paints, or aluminum foil.

Although quick recipes attract our attention, Camila Iturry, owner of Petite Desserts, warns that between 1 and 2 minutes is not a long cooking time. The bottom of your cup or container could remain raw. Look to give it a little more time and check that it is ready with a knife.

  • Tips for mug cakes or cup cakes

This is one of the most popular, quick and simple desserts. You don’t need many ingredients, but you do need to control the amounts so that the dough doesn’t overflow. Iturry advises that you pay attention to the amount of egg and liquid in the mug cake batter so that it doesn’t spill. Another idea is to leave two or three centimeters of distance between the mixture and the edge of the cup.

The owner of Petite Desserts comments that it can be prepared in the microwave: chocolate cake, carrot cake and a variety of cakes. For vegans, you can prepare some of these desserts only using oil and without eggs.

Source: Elcomercio

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