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Where do they sell the best lomo saltado in Lima?  The 10 places recommended by Provecho readers

Where do they sell the best lomo saltado in Lima? The 10 places recommended by Provecho readers

Where do they sell the best lomo saltado in Lima?  The 10 places recommended by Provecho readers

Once again we decided to ask the readers of Provecho about their favorite places and this time we wanted to know where they sell the best Lomo Saltado, a very traditional dish requested by those who set foot on Peruvian soil. More than 150 comments were made on our Instagram post and here we tell you what the results were.

Position 1: Percado

The most mentioned was the Lomo Saltado de Percado made by Alan Larrea, which in 2017 was awarded by the Municipality of Lima with first place for the best lomo saltado in the city. If you haven’t tried them yet, visit the store at Jr. Huiracocha 1601, Jesús María.

Rank 2: R18

The R18 Lomo Saltado is the favorite of many Provecho readers, its most classic presentation made with pieces of wok-smoked thin loin, fried huamantanga potatoes and rice with corn. You can also order it a lo pobre with tacu tacu or with huancaina-style fettuccine. The R18 store is located at Jr. Ica 143, Cercado de Lima.

Position 3: Wokers

The specialists in wok saltados at the moment and combined with Creole food could not fail to offer a good lomo saltado, as confirmed by Provecho readers. In addition, it is worth mentioning that they not only offer the classic for 28 soles, but also for the poor, with huancaina or chaufa noodles. The store is located at Arnaldo Márquez 1339, Jesús María.

Position 4: MonteRico Ranch

A classic that has become one of the star dishes on the restaurant’s menu, its soft and juicy tenderloin, crispy yellow potatoes and the inevitable rice with corn have conquered more than one. You can find the lomo saltado from Hacienda MonteRico at Constructores 951, La Molina.

Rank 5: Jumped Doomo

“Salted with fire and passion” is how they work at Doomo Saltado, where you will find a variety of options that include Lomo Saltado, one of the house specialties. They offer the classic rump for 34 soles, chicken for 32 soles, thin loin for 44 soles and the veggie for 43 soles. In addition, there is A lo pobre, with huancaina-style noodles, with tacu tacu, among others. These dishes can be found at: Av. Ignacio Merino 2501, Lince.

Position 6: Brother fish

The Peruvian classic that combines the juiciness of beef with the freshness of vegetables and the unique flavor of ají amarillo, is how they describe lomo saltado, a dish also offered by Peces Hermanos. Find this option at Av. Las Torres 334, San Luis.

Position 7: Vegan gastronomy

A vegan lomo saltado that will surprise anyone, made with pieces of seitan flambéed with mushrooms and shitake mushrooms accompanied by white rice with corn and French fries. You can find this option at Jirón Tacna 520, Surco.

Post 8: Where Walter

Donde Walter’s favorite in its different presentations, in addition to the most traditional lomo saltado accompanied by white rice and egg at 44.90 soles, also offers the one accompanied by chaufa rice at 46.90 soles or tacu tacu at 45.90 soles. There are four Donde Walter locations: Av. Nicolás Ayllón 1478, Chaclacayo, Jiron Risso 439, Lince, Calle José Santos Chocano 167, Santa Clara and Av. Caminos del Inca 1478, Surco.

Position 9: So much

Another of those chosen by the readers of benefit is the lomo saltado de Tanta, made with a piece of thin loin, onions, tomatoes, chili peppers, fried yellow potatoes and rice with corn at 58 soles, you can also order the source for two or four people from 109 soles.

Position 10: Huáscar

A salted loin that promises to leave any diner speechless, this is the dish offered by Huáscar, the traditional one is for 38 soles, but they also have it with arrisotado for 40 soles and with tacu tacu for 38 soles. Find the dish at Jr. Varela y Orbegoso 275, Surquillo and at Jr. Ciudad Real 285, Surco.

Source: Elcomercio

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