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Is Pisco Chilean or Peruvian?  ChatGTP’s response to the controversial question

Is Pisco Chilean or Peruvian? ChatGTP’s response to the controversial question

Is Pisco Chilean or Peruvian?  ChatGTP’s response to the controversial question

A never-ending debate, that is the one about Pisco. For years, Chile and Peru have disputed the paternity of this distillate, the history and even a series of investigations have been reviewed, but the discussion continues, however, in times of Artificial Intelligence, users seek to know the chatbot’s response which has become popular.

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ChatGTP’s answer is extensive and makes clarification of how both countries claim their origin. “Both countries have legal definitions and specific regulations for pisco in their respective laws.”

In the case of Peru, he assures that it is a “original and exclusive product of its territory”, in addition, he says that it is produced mainly in the regions of Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna.

With regard to Chile, “pisco is also produced in several regions of the country, such as Coquimbo, Atacama and Arica and Parinacota. Chile has its own denomination of origin for pisco and considers that Chilean pisco is an authentic and exclusive drink of its country”.

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And it is based on what has been said before, that chat GTP considers that pisco is both Peruvian and Chilean: “Both versions have different characteristics in terms of their preparation, grape varieties used and flavors.”

In short, pisco is both Peruvian and Chilean, “depending on your perspective and the region you are in.”

Source: Elcomercio

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