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Five unmissable strong and creative vegan deliveries

Five unmissable strong and creative vegan deliveries

Five unmissable strong and creative vegan deliveries

The plant based food in Lima it continues to rise. There is something for everyone, from hearty and creative salads to burgers that will make anyone forget about meat. Below, we offer you five recommendations for deliveries created by vegans who are committed to providing more friendly options with animals and the environment.

The Recontra

This dark kitchen has become the specialist in hamburgers that are the perfect replacement for traditional ones made from meat or chicken. In addition, the business of Paco Silva and Ana Karina Rodríguez has options that are very similar to fried chicken with potatoes.

We are ultra happy cooking. It took us a long time to perfect a hamburger meat. We wanted to do a ‘vegan KFC’ because we missed it and we did. With the beef type burger it took us a little longer to find it”says Paco to Provecho.

Its menu is currently very varied and prices start at 25 soles. They have combos to share with friends and family, ideal for a movie weekend or to watch a game with the family.

Some options that you cannot stop trying are: Crispy (s/25), Classic (s/26), Cheese bacon (s/29) and Big R (s/34). In addition, every month they release a limited edition hamburger.

Non-chicken pieces from the ReContra.  (Photo: Diffusion)


  • Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 12 pm – 10 pm
  • delivery: yes
  • Orders: 934 233 858
  • rappi: yes
  • Average ticket: 30 soles


In 2018, Luis Del Carpio opened Samsara Vegan Food, a dark kitchen, which specialized in Peruvian food, hamburgers and appetizers, perfect for sharing with family or friends while watching a movie or a soccer game.

Del Carpio has achieved a good seasoning in his preparations. Each dish has a great texture and flavor. No one to envy traditional preparations. The young chef has spent nearly four years convincing diners that plant-based cooking can be rich and nutritious.

Samsara has several beef-textured burgers.

Among the snack options we have the Buffalo wings (s/27), the Big bang burger (s/29), the Crunchi (s/ 26) and the Disha burger (s/25)

Samsara has a variety of appetizers perfect for sharing with the family.


  • Hours: Monday to Sunday from 12 pm to 9 pm
  • Delivery: own
  • Orders at: 953 570 861
  • Average ticket: 30 soles

Whereabouts V

The Peruvian venture Paradero V was founded by Willy Chilmaza. This dark kitchen, which decentralizes plant-based cooking, has two workshops, one in Surco and another in Comas.

Willy has created vegan beef-textured burgers made from soy, gluten, and pea protein. “Given the (vegan) lifestyle we have, we look for fast and effective options to be able to feed ourselves daily. Our hamburgers offer that alternative, of seeking simplicity in preparation and obtaining a pleasant grill flavor for both people who eat plant-based and those who do not.”, indicates

Whereabouts V has a sandwich club different from other ventures.  They have added a shredded chicken option that should not be missed.

They do not use artificial flavors or colors in their preparation.. “We use beetroot as a base to give it more color and not lose that texture when we fry it,” comment.

Among the options that you should not miss are: Burger with no shredded chicken + fries and creams (s/19.90), Big wrap + fries and creams (s/17.90), Club sandwich with fries and creams (s/ 17.90), Classic Burger with fries and creams (s/15.90) ​​and the Cheese Burger in combo with fries and creams (s/19.90)

Whereabouts V has two branches in Lima.  One in Surco and another in Comas.


  • Orders: 928 774 708 or Instagram @paraderovfastfood
  • Hours: Tuesday to Sunday
  • Groove: from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • North Lima (Comas): from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Average Ticket: 18 soles


The DeliVegan venture was created by Jacobo Vitko and Gracia Pérez-Albela, both of whom have developed dishes thinking of people who do not have much time but who like to eat nutritious and plant-based foods. Jacobo has a lot of experience in the gastronomic field and Gracia is a vegetarian by birth. During the pandemic, Jacobo also decided to eat a plant-based diet, so together they began to create tasty and nutritious recipes.

Many of the recipes we have are from Gracias’ mom. For example, the lasagna bolognese (many’s favorite)”, recounts Jacobo. “The enterprise began to grow, we got a place and we moved. This is how our laboratory (the kitchen) began”add.

Delivegan's lasagna bolognese is a favorite of many.

DeliVegan’s goal is to demystify that vegan food is ugly or that you only eat salads. In addition, we want to provide a healthy diet. In fact, we get a lot of advice from Gracia’s father (Dr. José Luis Pérez-Albela). We see food more as nutrition. For example, our rice will always be enriched with seeds, with grains. We only use olive and sunflower oil for our preparations. And most of our inputs are organic”complements.

As for their menu, they have several pre-cooked products to heat at home and they also have ready lunches as/132.00 (4 people), in which you can choose: Salted Loin (Soy or Seitan), Seitan Chili, Beans with Seitan dry, Creole sautéed noodles with soy and Spaghetti in vegan bolognese sauce. All dishes come with salad as a starter.

The favorite options of diners are undoubtedly the lasagna. They have bolognese and spinach. At s/30 a half kilo and s/55 a kilo of lasagna in any of its presentations.

Delivergan also has ready-made lunches for people who need a feast or lunch for the whole family.


  • Orders: 968 631 003 or Instagram @deliveganperu
  • Hours: Monday to Sunday
  • Own delivery: yes.
  • Average Ticket: 30 soles


Bronny Loayza’s Herbigorous dark kitchen offers 100% plant-based balanced lunches. Bronny is passionate about nutrition and healthy cooking. He offers very complete bowls to meet the nutritional needs of people who don’t have time to cook.

Bronny indicates that his venture aims to: “improve the health of customers through a healthy, varied, delicious and environmentally sustainable diet”.

"We are a startup dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of our clients with a rich, varied, healthy and sustainable diet," says Herbigorous.

His venture is ideal for people who study all day or work full time and don’t have time to eat a balanced meal. Every day, he has a nutritious bowl full of vitamins, minerals, proteins, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants.

As for prices, this depends on whether you take the monthly plan (s/19.90), the weekly plan (s/20.90) or if you request daily (s/ 22.90)

Herbigorous reaches several districts of Lima.


Orders: 973458965 or Instagram @herbigorous

Hours: Monday to Friday

Average Ticket: 21 soles

Source: Elcomercio

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