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Central: the celebration of Gastón Acurio and other international chefs

Central: the celebration of Gastón Acurio and other international chefs

Central: the celebration of Gastón Acurio and other international chefs

the celebration why Central became the best restaurant in the world (according to the list of 50 Best 2023) still continues. Chefs and gastronomic entrepreneurs celebrated the recognition. Of course, the Peruvian colleagues were not far behind.

Gastón Acurio described the evening at the 50 Best 2023 as a “historic night” for his announcement that the best restaurant in the world is located in Lima, Peru. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pía León, Virgilio and Malena Martínez, a trinomial of pure talent and exemplary harmony of work, for giving life together to the magical journey through the culinary heights of our biodiversity that was acclaimed yesterday,” he wrote on Instagram.

The chef also thanked the Central team, Mitsuharu Tsumura, Jaime Pesaque and all the Latin American representatives awarded in the ranking “for contributing with their talents to the prestige of Peruvian and Latin American gastronomy.”

For him, this recognition will contribute to promoting tourism and as a message of inspiration to young people to achieve their dreams, since the new generations will continue working so that “the flavors of Peru and Latin America are recognized in the world.”

Through their social networks, other Peruvian chefs and restaurants joined the celebration such as Gustavo Montestruque and Martha Palacios; as well as La Niña and Fuego restaurants, to name a few.

“HISTORICAL!!! Congratulations @virgiliocentral @pialeonkjolle and all the @centralrest team and thank you!!! Number 1 of @theworlds50best. What happiness it gives me to see that friends, compatriots, colleagues and especially, people I admire, take Peruvian cuisine to the highest level!” Wrote chef Montestruque.

While the Fuego restaurant team wrote: “We want to celebrate the wonderful news that Central has just been chosen by the list of the 50 Best Restaurants as the Best Restaurant in the world. A distinction that fuels the fire of our Peruvian pride”.

For their part, foreign colleagues of Virgilio Martínez and Pía León -who were at the 50 Best award ceremony- celebrated the news that Central was crowned the best restaurant in the world.

This was the case of the Italian chef Massimo Bottura whose restaurant, Osteria Francescana, ranked number 1 on the list in 2016 and 2018. “And the best of 2023 is Central. Friends forever, ”he wrote in a photo in which the Italian poses with Virgilio and the Spanish chef Joan Roca.

It was also the case of the Colombian Leonor Espinosa, whose Leo restaurant ranked 43rd in the 50 Best 2023. “Number 1, congratulations Virgilio and the Central team,” she wrote accompanying a video of the ceremony.


Position 1: Central (Peru)

Position 2: Enjoy (Spain)

Position 3: Diverxo (Spain)

Position 4: Asador Etxebarri (Spain)

Position 5: Alchemist (Denmark)

Source: Elcomercio

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