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Banana and oatmeal cake in a blender: learn how to prepare this delicious dessert

Banana and oatmeal cake in a blender: learn how to prepare this delicious dessert

Banana and oatmeal cake in a blender: learn how to prepare this delicious dessert

Rocío Oyanguren, from Las Recetas de Yo Madre, surprises us this week with a banana and oatmeal cake in a blender, a preparation that will get you out of trouble when you don’t have much time or imagination.



Place the bananas, eggs, oil, white, honey, ground cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda, salt and baking powder in your blender. Blend them. Once everything is blended, gradually add the oats. Grease and flour your mold, but you can also line it with parchment paper. Add the mixture to your mold and take it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 45 minutes. Before removing the cake from the oven, verify that it is ready by inserting a toothpick in the middle; if it comes out dry, that’s it.

Complete your lunchbox with:

Bonito pork rinds + 1 whole fruit + water

One tip:

The correct way to unmold a cake is to place it upside down on a plate larger than your mold. When the mold cools and the metal shrinks, the cake will easily come off.

Source: Elcomercio

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