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Celebrate World Environment Day by creating an eco-friendly area at home

Celebrate World Environment Day by creating an eco-friendly area at home

Celebrate World Environment Day by creating an eco-friendly area at home

Turn your roof, patio, balcony or window into a sustainable space. There are several options: from placing plants to installing a biohuerto. Thus, the agronomist Milagros Ortiz, manager of green areas of the Lima Park Service (Serpar), warns that aromatic herbs are the best alternative for small environments, such as windows or balconies. “Any type of light is good for them and if shade falls on them they will grow without problem. In addition, they are perennial “, he claims.

Now, which ones to choose? Ortiz recommends lemon verbena, basil, oregano, mint, parsley, coriander and thyme, because they are easy to grow. “Dig the substrate (a mixture of farmland and compost) to a depth equivalent to twice the size of the seed, sow it, cover it with the other half of the substrate and water daily until it sprouts. From that moment on, the frequency of irrigation will depend on how dry the substrate is “explains the engineer.

If you don’t have pots, make them yourself. Architects Andrea Delgado and Carolina Roque, from Arkka Diseño, suggest cutting plastic bottles in half and decorating them with macramé (weaving technique). They also advise decorating the balcony walls with botanical images or covering a part with wood or fruit crates. It will give a rustic style to the space, they say.

For her part, the architect Karím Chaman is committed to installing a bio-garden on the roof or patio. In this way, these areas of the home -associated with relaxation- gain ecological functionality. “In places without a roof, it is possible to grow the vegetables you want, such as radish, beet or carrot, since natural light favors their growth”says the representative of Serpar.

In addition, if you have a large roof terrace or patio, give a second life to the armchair that you were thinking of discarding. How? “Cover it with a polyester or polyethylene cover (resistant material). You will have a comfortable seat where you can rest and enjoy the sky “says Porfirio Castro, interior designer. Final advice: arrange the same number of plants on each side of the furniture to harmonize the place. But if there are few, create a still life.

Shopping guide

In case you wonder where to get the elements to implement your organic garden or decorate your balcony with aromatic herbs, we tell you that Sodimac Home Center ( and Promart Home Center (https : // already operate with delivery. The 30 k sack of farmland costs from S / 7.50. The 5 k compost package costs from S / 5.90. The seed bags, which vary between 0.5 g to 4 g, are from S / 4.50.

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