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Pachacutec, the Ventanilla cooking school, will have a documentary: watch the trailer

Pachacutec, the Ventanilla cooking school, will have a documentary: watch the trailer

Pachacutec, the Ventanilla cooking school, will have a documentary: watch the trailer

Within the framework of Culinary Zinema, the film section around gastronomy organized jointly between the San Sebastian Festival and the Basque Culinary Center, the documentary will be presented that will tell the history of the Pachacútec Foundationthe cooking school located in Ventanilla that has allowed low-income young people to access professional cooking training for 20 years.

The documentary is titled “Pachacútec, The Improbable School” and has been directed by Peruvian filmmaker Mariano Carranza, who embarked on the project after receiving a call from Gastón Acurio, founder of the school. .

The film features the testimony of former Pachacutec students, who are now part of large kitchens in cities such as Lima, San Francisco, California and Luxembourg.

In addition, it features interviews with Spanish chef Albert Adrià (from El Bulli), food critic Ignacio Medina, and school director Karina Montes Bravo.

“We interviewed about 30 former students and decided on the ones in the documentary who are a good representative sample (of what happens at the school),” Carranza told the digital edition of the American magazine “Vice,” where the story was revealed. documentary trailer.

You can see the production progress here:

The Pachacútec Foundation is located on Av. Santa Rosa s/n Parcela E Nuevo Pachacútec, Ventanilla, in Callao. Currently, more than 14,000 students have been part of its classrooms.

Source: Elcomercio

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