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Halloween: the spooky truth behind the pumpkin, the symbol of “Halloween”

When we talk about Halloween, the first thing that comes to mind are the pumpkins carved with faces that are very scary. It is one of the most famous fruits in the world and not only for the night of the witches, but it is also a fundamental part of films such as “Cinderella”, without one of these enormous fruits it would not have been possible for the fairy godmother to make a float fit for a Disney princess.

However, the pumpkin is not only a decorative element of October 31 or part of a fairy tale. These fruits belong to the cucurbit family, therefore, they are a relative of the cucumber, watermelon and melon. They call this type of plant climbing or creeping and there are more than eight hundred varieties in the world. Pumpkins are characterized by having a hard and thick skin and in the center of their interior they keep flat seeds, which are also edible. Why is it a symbol of Halloween?

Where does the pumpkin tradition come from?

It is a myth from the time of the Celts, as the ancient peoples of Europe were called, especially those who belonged to the area of ​​Ireland.

Legend has it that Jack the Blacksmith (also known as Jack the Drunkard or the Trickster Jack) scammed the devil himself. One night, satan was looking for Jack to steal his soul; However, he managed to trick him and catch him. In exchange for releasing him, Jack made it a condition that his soul never be sent to hell. The devil accepted the offer.

Years later, when Jack passed away and his soul was elevated to heaven, Saint Peter closed the doors for him. So Jack descended into hell, where he was reunited with the devil, who also denied him entry. This is how Jack’s soul was condemned to wander the world forever.

Satan felt sorry for Jack and offered him an ember from hell to illuminate him. Jack carved a turnip where he put the fire of the ember and since then his soul is seen at dusk near the swamps and cemeteries. Over the years, it became a tradition among the Irish to place a lit candle inside turnips in their windows to help the lost dead find their way.

When the Irish emigrated en masse to the United States in the 19th century, they brought this tradition with them; however, due to the lack of turnips, they used squash. Today, Halloween is the second most important celebration in the US, after Christmas.

Pumpkin.  These seeds contain a high level of magnesium, so they are great allies for the heart thanks to their anti-stress effect.  They can also counteract mild headaches and migraines.  They are usually eaten toast and incorporated into salads or with other cereals to prepare granola.  (Photo: Shutterstock)

Are pumpkins nutritious?

During the days leading up to the Halloween celebrations, pumpkins are displayed in supermarkets for S /. 4.69 the kilo. And they also sell them in plastic versions for the children to deposit the sweets they collect during the day there.

The nutritionist Claudia Agüero tells Provecho de El Comercio that pumpkin is an ideal food for those looking to lose weight because they have few calories, less than eighty per hundred grams. “It does not raise blood sugar like other fruits and is very versatile because it can be used in porridge, ice cream and stews.”

There are a wide variety of pumpkins and they all provide excellent health benefits.  (Getty)

Meanwhile, Mewsette Pozo, Agüero’s colleague, points out that the pumpkin varies in color according to the season of the year. “In summer it has a lighter skin and in winter it is darker, it is much sweeter in this season. The medium orange or yellow color is given by beta-carotenes, which are powerful antioxidants, which contribute to better vision. In addition, they are a source of vitamin C. Pumpkins hydrate us, each hundred grams of pumpkin contains 91% water. These fruits are not a source of protein or lipids ”.

Well indicates that one of the benefits of pumpkin is its low carbohydrate content (two to five per hundred grams). “The Beta carotenes and the glutein they contain can help cover the vitamin A that our bodies need. It is a very interesting fruit and its seeds too ”, concludes the nutritionist.


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