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Anticuchos: the infallible recipe to prepare this classic Peruvian ‘street’ at home

Anticuchos: the infallible recipe to prepare this classic Peruvian ‘street’ at home

Anticuchos: the infallible recipe to prepare this classic Peruvian ‘street’ at home

Lima, October 28, 2021Updated on 10/28/2021 06:56 am


  • 250g beef heart
  • 500ml ají panca liquefied
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of oregano powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 5 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Accompaniments: fried yellow potato, corn


Mix the liquefied dry chili or liquefied panca chili with the ground garlic, pepper, cumin, oregano and salt. A splash of vinegar and oil and with clean hands we are ready to massage our hearts in the marinade. We let it rest for a few hours and cook.

We bring a grill pan to the high heat and we are going to let it smoke and there we are going to put our beef hearts so that they are completely sealed.

Finally, we sauté to give the smoky touch of the anticucho.

This recipe is for about 4 people.

Peruvian food

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