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In front of Pécresse, can Zemmour really reach the second round?

The presidential election will take place on April 10 and 24, 2022. Less than two months from the first round, we have summarized for you the results of the polls carried out over the last fortnight by different institutes: Ifop-Fiducial, Opinion Way and Harris-Interactive. The graphs in this article allow you to view a summary of voting intentions in the first and second rounds by institute and by opposition scenario in the second round.

Voting intentions in the first round of the 2022 presidential election

In the middle of February, and less than two months before the presidential election, the battle for the second round is still raging between the main right-wing and far-right candidates. According to the latest records from the institute Harris Interactive, Eric Zemmour is ahead of LR candidate Valérie Pécresse by more than 0.5 points in the polls. The latter being at 14% of voting intentions against 14.5% for Eric Zemmour. Marine Le Pen meanwhile maintains her lead with 17.5% of voting intentions.

Among the statements of the institutes presented here, the rise in the polls for the candidate of the “Reconquest” party is tangible between the months of January and February. The last record ofIfop-Fiducial presents the candidate with 15% of voting intentions against 12.5% ​​in mid-January. The same applies to OpinionWaywhere the candidate Zemmour reached 14% of voting intentions on February 14 against 12% on January 14.

Finally, while outgoing President Emmanuel Macron maintains a comfortable lead, there is little change on the left. According to the latest statement ofHarris Interactive, Jean-Luc Mélenchon would still be credited with approximately 10% of voting intentions. We note an increase for the PCF candidate Fabien Roussel, going from around 3% of voting intentions in January to 5% in February, according to OpinionWay. Christiane Taubira drops to 3.5% of voting intentions according to Harris Interactive.

By default, we show you the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive. By clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

Second round hypothesis: Emmanuel Macron against Eric Zemmour

If the latest statements of voting intentions for the first round are rather favorable to the far-right candidate, those of the second round are quite categorical. In the event of a second round against the outgoing president, Harris-Interactive attributes only 36% of voting intentions to Eric Zemmour on February 14, while the institute OpinionWay he positions it at 37% on February 10.

By default, we show you the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive. By clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

Second round hypothesis: Emmanuel Macron against Valérie Pécresse

Regarding the hypothesis of a face-to-face between candidate LR and the outgoing president, the gap is widening between the two candidates. The various institutes note a gap which widens from the beginning of February. Thus, according to the latest statements ofHarris-Interactive, Valérie Pécresse would only be credited with 43% of the voting intentions. A slightly less severe picture for Ifop-Fiducial and OpinionWay who credit him respectively with 45% and 46% of voting intentions in the second round of the presidential election.

By default, we show you the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive. By clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

Second round hypothesis: Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen

It is still the status quo between the candidate of the National Rally and the outgoing president in the event of a second round opposing them. The latest opinion polls thus waver between 56% of the intention to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron, according to Harris-Interactiveand 54.5% according to Ifop-Fiducial.

By default, we show you the latest polls published by Harris-Interactive. By clicking on the drop-down menu below, you can view the results according to other institutes.

For more on the polls featured here, check out our sources below:​

Source: 20minutes

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