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Activists sprayed with gasoline and insulted during meetings, Eric Zemmour asks the State to crack down

Two 25-year-old men were in police custody in Essonne on Sunday, accused of having doused pro-Zemmour activists with gasoline on Friday, without causing any injuries, AFP learned from a police source.

The facts date back to Friday evening, in Linas (near Paris), where eight people, including three teenagers aged 11 to 16, were sprayed by people aboard a passing vehicle, while they were trying to extend a banner in support of Eric Zemmour above the Francilienne.

“The two men in police custody say they hate Zemmour and his ideas. They say they saw the group of people, went to get a bottle of gasoline to spray them, but without wanting to go any further, ”added the police source, who specifies that expertise is in progress.

Insults in meetings

Still Friday evening, but this time in Metz, the leader of the Generation Z youth movement, Stanislas Rigault, as well as a spokesperson for Reconquête!, were extensively insulted on the sidelines of a meeting of the candidate, according to a video they posted on social media.

Since the start of the campaign, around 50 activists have been “attacked with knives, brass knuckles, attack dogs, tear gas, firearms, chairs, broken bottles and mortar fire “, pointed out Eric Zemmour in a press release. He himself received an egg on the head on Saturday March 12 in Moissac (Tarn-et-Garonne), from a retired farmer, father of an autistic child, in disagreement with the controversial positions of ‘Eric Zemmour about children with disabilities.

The candidate denounced this week a “total complacency of the political and media world” vis-à-vis these attacks, and asked “the State to crack down” and its activists “to show vigilance in their magnificent mobilization everywhere in France “.

Source: 20minutes

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