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The Greens well represented thanks to the agreement with France Insoumise

The agreement sealed between France Insoumise and EELV in view of the legislative elections will have enabled environmentalists to remain in a position of strength in Lyon. In three of the city’s four constituencies, the Greens will lead the list, reveals Lyon Capital.

In the second constituency, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party will line up behind the candidacy of outgoing MP Hubert Julien-Lafferrière. First a member of the socialist party then of LREM, the person concerned ended up joining the ranks of Génération Ecologie in 2021.

In the third constituency, which includes the 3rd and 4th arrondissements of Lyon, it is Marie-Charlotte Garin who has been appointed to embark on the battle. With a shot to play according to environmentalists. LREM MP Jean-Louis Touraine, 76, will not seek a fourth term.

Four EELV candidacies for 14 constituencies

In the fourth constituency, which includes the sixth arrondissement traditionally voting on the right, rebellious France gives way to Benjamin Badouard, co-president of the environmental group in the metropolis of Lyon.

Finally, the ecologists will present a fourth candidate but this time, not in Lyon intra muros. Jean-François Baudin will be invested in the twelfth district extending over the whole of West Lyon. A sector which has recently shown its fierce opposition to the local cable car project carried out by environmentalists.

Everywhere else in the ten other constituencies of the Rhône, EELV will not present a candidate, leaving priority to the disciples of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This will notably be the case in Villeurbanne, on the subject of which the negotiations did not drag out according to Lyon Capital. Although harboring strong hopes in this sixth constituency, environmentalists ended up lining up behind the results of the presidential election.

Source: 20minutes

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