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Martine Aubry in favor of the agreement between the PS and the LFI

It is a word of weight which clearly comes to counterbalance the hostile reactions of several elephants of the Socialist Party. In a press release published this Thursday morning, Martine Aubry said she was in favor of the proposed agreement between the PS and LFI in view of the legislative elections which must be validated Thursday evening by the national council of the PS.

“I share the proposals for social justice such as the increase in purchasing power, retirement at 60 for all those who have been worn out by work, the defense of public services, in particular school and health, equality men and women, the development of culture” assures the mayor of Lille.

Worried about the European component

Even if the former first secretary of the rose party (2008-2012) does not hide her concerns on the European side. “Everyone imagines that this agreement does not correspond in all respects to my deep convictions. I have major reservations about Europe. I am deeply European. Disobedience to treaties and guidelines is not an option. Their revision for more social and ecological justice, on the other hand, must be our objective. », Continues Martine Aubry.

“I call on the socialists to validate this proposed agreement”

Still, the former minister of the plural left is well aware of the aspirations of left voters who want union in their vast majority. “The voters on the left expressed during the first round of the presidential elections, a strong aspiration for unity and unity. This message must be heard. This is why I call on the Socialists to validate this proposed agreement, ”insists the mayor of Lille who slips in passing a small tackle to the five-year term Holland (2012-2017), often synonymous with disappointment on the left.

“For those of us who still realize how far certain reforms when we were in power have moved away from our values, and have undermined the confidence that the French had in us, I think that the duty of the Socialist Party is now to get back to work”. Message sent to Cambadélis, Ayrault, Le Foll and especially François Hollande, all winds up against an agreement that Martine Aubry has decided to support.

Source: 20minutes

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