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The Minister of Solidarity accused of a new rape attempt by a centrist elected official

A third prosecution testimony against Damien Abad. While two women had until then accused the new Minister of Solidarity of the Borne government of rape in 2010 and 2012, including a complaint dismissed in 2017, a third person, presented as a centrist elected official, accuses on the Mediapart site of the former boss of LR deputies of having tried to rape her at a party in 2010.

“I struggled, I punched him in the stomach”

This woman, who explains that she saw similarities with her experience in the testimony of another alleged victim before her, describes an evening in the first half of 2010 in Damien Abad’s apartment to which she would have gone backwards, after several gestures “displaced” on the part of the politician during previous meetings. Describing a man “overexcited” and “in a feeling of omnipotence”, she says that after seeing “something” at the bottom of the glass he had just served her, she said she immediately went to “spit out” her sip in the toilet.

Still according to this woman’s account, Mr. Abad was waiting for her behind the door at the exit of the toilets and everything went “very quickly”: the MEP would have “pushed her into a room opposite”, then would have tried to force her to perform fellatio. “I was scared, I was flabbergasted. I struggled, I hit him in the stomach, ”she says.

“Revolting” allegations according to the minister

“Laëtitia” says she was finally able to “get rid of” her alleged attacker and leave the room thanks to the irruption of a guest. The facts reported by this woman are “supported by the testimonies of eight people, in whom she confided or who may have witnessed certain elements of her story”, and whom Mediapart claims to have contacted.

Mr. Abad, who is seeking a new mandate as deputy on Sunday in Ain after coming out on top in the first round, denounced to AFP the “carefully chosen schedule of these publications” and the “partiality” of the investigation. of Mediapart, which according to him has a “political” motivation. “As for the reported allegations, they revolt me ​​and I categorically refute them,” added Mr. Abad in a message sent to AFP.

Source: 20minutes

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