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Elisabeth Borne escapes censorship despite RN support for the Nupes motion

Elisabeth Borne escapes censorship despite RN support for the Nupes motion

Elisabeth Borne escapes censorship despite RN support for the Nupes motion

The National Assembly on Monday rejected three motions of censure on the State budget and Social Security, despite the surprise announcement of RN support for the left Nupes, the Prime Minister denouncing “the alliance against nature” of the oppositions. These three votes are equivalent to adoption at first reading of the revenue sections of the 2023 finance bill (PLF) and the financing of social security (PLFSS).

For the state budget, the National Rally made a political coup by supporting the left-wing motion Nupes, rejected by 50 votes, with 239 votes out of the 289 necessary. Three environmentalists did not take part in the ballot, including Jérémie Iordanoff, who “refuses to mix his voice” with those of the far right.

Marine Le Pen thus wanted to target the LRs, accused of “allies of Emmanuel Macron” for not having voted censorship with the rest of the opposition. In the process, the Assembly largely rejected the motion of the RN, which received the support of the non-registered Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and a single LFI deputy, Jean-Philippe Nilor.

“Unnatural alliance with the Nupes”

In the hemicycle, Elisabeth Borne attacked the “excesses” of the oppositions. The Prime Minister criticized the left-wing coalition (LFI, PS, EELV, PCF) for “untruths”, judging that “insubordination won the game”, in an “alternative country where Jean-Luc Mélenchon” would have won the presidential election.

The head of government then pointed to the “simplism and excess” of the National Rally, whose “ideological fundamentals have not changed”. “You are aiming for disorder and discord at the cost of an unnatural alliance with Nupes,” she said.

Because Marine Le Pen had just announced her support for the Nupes motion, against the “arrogance” of the executive. At “RN, we are not afraid of threats of dissolution”, assured the president of the far-right group in an allusion to a threat brandished by Emmanuel Macron. RN like Nupes described an atmosphere of “end of reign” with the use of 49.3.

“No one believes it”

These motions respond to Article 49.3 of the Constitution activated twice on Wednesday and Thursday by the Prime Minister to pass without a vote the revenue parts of the social security finance and financing bill.

In the evening, the deputies rejected another Nupes motion presented by the socialist Jérôme Guedj. The deputies will be able to resume Tuesday the continuation of the discussions on the expenditure part of this budget of the Secu 2023. Since the beginnings of the Fifth Republic, it is the first time that three motions of censure are examined in the same day.

On the right, the leader of the LR deputies, Olivier Marleix, denounced the “reconciliation of the extremes”: “these motions of censure, no one really believes in them, not even those who tabled them. But we will not hesitate to file one ourselves if the circumstances require it, ”he assured.

A single motion of censure was adopted under the Fifth Republic, in 1962, bringing down the government of Georges Pompidou.

Source: 20minutes

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