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MEP Hervé Juvin sentenced for domestic violence

MEP Hervé Juvin sentenced for domestic violence

MEP Hervé Juvin sentenced for domestic violence

He is ordered to leave the party. National Rally MEP Hervé Juvin was fined 10,000 euros on appeal on October 14 for violence against his wife, we learned from judicial sources on Monday, confirming information from the magazine The Obs. The elected official is not a member of the RN but his new president Jordan Bardella asked him to leave the RN groups to which he belongs, to the European Parliament, and to the Pays-de-la-Loire region where he has been elected as an adviser since 2021, the far-right party said.

Hervé Juvin, 66 years old and cantor of an identity and civilizational ecology, is a former advisor to Raymond Barre who has become ideologically close to the New Right theorists. During the 2022 presidential campaign, Marine Le Pen made him her potential Minister of Ecology.

Meeting with Bashar al-Assad

In August 2022, the regional adviser, long-time businessman and respected essayist traveled to Syria, with other members of the RN, to meet Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. During the Covid health crisis, he was regularly singled out for his anti-vaccine positions.

The revelation of this conviction comes in the midst of a change of governance within the RN, which is causing some turmoil, and while the party is mired in the controversy striking one of its deputies, author of an arrest deemed racist in the hemicycle of the ‘National Assembly.

Source: 20minutes

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