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Council of Ministers for Children this Monday in Matignon

Council of Ministers for Children this Monday in Matignon

Council of Ministers for Children this Monday in Matignon

They will submit their proposals to the members of the government. Prime Minister Elisabeth Born welcomes the Council of Ministers for Children this Monday in Matignon, which will work on several topics. Following a visit to the Hotel Matignon, around twenty children aged 8 to 12 from the network of children’s associations will work in pairs on five topics: environment, school, health and disability, access to culture and sports, digital technologies supported by adults from this network, to develop proposals.

They will then dine locally before visiting the National Assembly before returning to Matignon to attend the Council of Ministers for Children at 2:45 pm, under the exclusive chairmanship of Elisabeth Bourne. The official Council of Ministers is usually headed by the President of the Republic.

The children will then present their reflections to each of their respective ministers, notably Christophe Beche (environmental transition), Papa Ndiaye (education), François Braun (health), Rima Abdul-Malak (culture) and Jean-Noël Barrault. (digital) .

This meeting takes place the day after International Children’s Rights Day, 20 November. After the departure of the children, Elizabeth Bourne will convene an inter-ministerial committee on children’s affairs. President Emmanuel Macron has already organized the Council of Ministers for Children with UNICEF on November 20, 2017 at the Elysee Palace.

Source: Le Parisien

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