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PS: Mayor of Nantes Johanna Rolland will be Olivier Faure’s number two if he is re-elected

During the armistice, great maneuvers continue. Thirteen days before the members vote in the first round of the Socialist Party Congress, the Mayor of Nantes, Johanna Rolland, announces that she will be number 2 if outgoing First Secretary Olivier Faure is reappointed. “I accepted his offer to become the first deputy national secretary if we have a majority after the militant vote,” says the one who led the campaign of Anna Hidalgo in the 2022 presidential election in an interview with the Sunday newspaper.

“I’m not one to desert in the face of adversity,” explains Johanna Rolland, who intends to “contribute to the reconstruction” of PS, now linked to Nupes’ alliance with LFI, EELV and PCF. Since the start of Nupes, which she supported, unlike Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Nantes approves of the choice of Olivier Faure to make this agreement and denounces his detractors. Thus, in September last year, she distanced herself from the former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, who published the manifesto of the “other left”.

This time she turns to François Hollande. According to her, the former socialist president should “stop playing against his camp by falsely repeating that the PS does not work. When you were the last socialist president of the republic, you couldn’t justify everything. »

Debate January 6th.

The three candidates for head of the socialist party, the retiring Olivier Fauret and his two opponents, the mayor of Vaud-en-Velin Hélène Geoffroy and the mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, will meet face to face during a televised debate on Friday 6. January. Their orientation texts will be voted on by members on 12 January. The second vote, on January 19, will decide between the two remaining candidates before the congress on the 25th in Marseille.

Answering a question about the candidacy of Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, who is supported by Anne Hidalgo, Joanna Rolland said that she did not “understand” her. “We can’t be for Nupes and against Nupes at the same time,” she argues, further highlighting her difference from the mayor of Paris. But “for the future, when the militants decide on the line, it will be necessary to be able to unite.”

Source: Le Parisien

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