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Pension reform: Nupe’s meeting at Gymnasium Japa through the eyes of a Parisian

Pension reform: Nupe’s meeting at Gymnasium Japa through the eyes of a Parisian

Pension reform: Nupe’s meeting at Gymnasium Japa through the eyes of a Parisian

While all trade union organizations of workers are calling for demonstrations this Thursday, the main leaders of the Nupes, Fabien Roussel, Olivier Faure, Marine Tondelier, Mathilde Panot and François Ruffin gathered their troops on Tuesday, January 17, at the Japy Gymnasium, in the historic Paris Hall meeting of the left, which in 2005 began mobilizing for NO to a new European constitution.

In front of a hall full of dedicated activists, the tribune took turns taking the stage to unanimously denounce the pension reform and call on the walls of the Elysee Palace to shake while playing their own score.

Fabien Roussel, National Secretary of the French Communist Party, welcomes Olivier Faure, candidate to succeed him as First Secretary of the Socialist Party.

LP/Olivier Corsan

Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, the mayor of Rouen who is challenging Olivier Faure at the PS congress, is not far from his opponent in the room.

LP/Olivier Corsan

On stage, at the back of Japy’s gym, the slogan is displayed on stage in the colors of the Nupes rainbow.

LP/Olivier Corsan

The leaders take their places on the stage according to their proximity. Marine Tondelier, the new boss of the Greens, takes a selfie with Olivier Faure, Fabien Roussel and Francois Ruffin. Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group in the National Assembly, will not be slightly to the left of the picture.

LP/Olivier Corsan

There is also a rainbow in the room among the activists.

LP/Olivier Corsan

The flag of the PS competes with the flag of the Komsomol during the glare on the podium.

LP/Olivier Corsan

There are many young people in the ranks of the hall, but also many pensioners.

LP/Olivier Corsan

A few raised fists are raised, but it’s “La Marseillaise”, which is intoned at the end, and later in the evening a restrained “Internationale” is heard.

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The students are in the front row.

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The order service icon is red. Some picked it up with their outfit!

LP/Olivier Corsan

Fabien Roussel is sitting at the table. Olivier Faure away from Francois Ruffin. Marine Tondelier takes advantage of this.

LP/Olivier Corsan

Source: Le Parisien

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