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Pensions: Macron ‘assumes his choice’ for ‘smart savings’

Pensions: Macron ‘assumes his choice’ for ‘smart savings’

Pensions: Macron ‘assumes his choice’ for ‘smart savings’

Emmanuel Macron “accepts” his choice of reforms. That’s what he hammered home this Thursday on the Quai d’Orsay, alluding to pensions while emphasizing that sometimes it’s hard to convince people to “save wisely.”

“I would like you to evaluate the price of this trust”, “I know that you measure it by a period of sobriety, when we must constantly reform,” the Head of State said, announcing to the diplomats who found themselves against the wind, the reform of the Orsay embankment, a significant increase in their resources.

“If necessary, only today shows that prudent saving of public finances is not a spontaneous movement of either the nation or the administration and involves a choice, which I also allow,” he added.

Critics on the Left

The head of state then joined the Élysée Palace for a new meeting with government leaders, who promised to take the lead on the strategy to be adopted hours before the decisive parliamentary session on pension reform.

Several leaders on the left also protested these remarks. “Therefore, for Emmanuel Macron, two years of retirement is a reasonable economy,” tweeted the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure.

“Let’s translate: 9 out of 10 active French people are too dumb to understand. To be honest…it will end badly,” added EELV National Secretary Marine Tondelier.

Source: Le Parisien

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