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Even if he is still thinking, Eric Zemmour says he “wants” to be a candidate

Eric Zemmour took a big step on Saturday evening towards a candidacy for the 2022 presidential election. The polemicist indeed affirmed in the program We are live, on France 2, that he “was not afraid” of eventually being a candidate and that he “wanted” to do so, but that he wanted to “choose his moment” to announce his decision.

The editorialist multiplies the signals of a candidacy and will soon “discuss with the French” around the promotion of a new political essay. “For the moment I am not a candidate, (…) when I decide to be a candidate I will come and I will say ‘I am a candidate’,” he said.

Nostalgic for France before

“I think”, but “I want because I think that France is in an absolutely lamentable state, that the France that I love, that I loved, is disappearing, and I have not at all want of that “, continued the one who supports the conspiracy theory of the” great replacement “and considers that” to call his child Mohamed, it is to colonize France “.

“If I go, it’s not a dog in a bowling game that I want to be. It is to impose my themes. I think that the presidential election is played around an idea, a question, and that we have to impose our question and have the answer, ”he further explained. On the other hand, if he does not show up, he will not support “anyone”. “My camp is the RPR, that is to say Gaullism. LR is no longer the RPR, LR has sold itself to the centrists ”.

Marine Le Pen “will never win”

The polemicist was also scathing with the candidate of the National Rally. According to him, “she will never win” after her failure in the regional. “I do not find that it has progressed” since the last presidential election, marked by its failed debate against Emmanuel Macron, he added. “Voting Marine Le Pen is voting Emmanuel Macron”. While Marine Le Pen said the same day that she “did not share” the “theory according to which France is waiting for a Trump”, the courtesies continue to the far right with a view to 2022.


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