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Fire at Notre Dame: Macron will take the place on Friday

On the eve of the fourth anniversary of the fire that devastated the cathedral, Emmanuel Macron will visit the site of Notre Dame de Paris on Friday morning. Accompanied by his wife Brigitte Macron, the head of state will “report on the progress of restoration work” to “mark that the task of returning the building for worship and visitation by the end of 2024 will be completed,” the statement said. Elysee on Thursday.

“He will examine the restored transept, the ambulatory apse and the completion of the reconstruction stool which will support the new spire, the installation of which will begin at the end of the month and be completed by the end of the year,” the president added.

The installation of this stool, an 80-ton base, will be completed on Saturday, four years after the fire. Thus, the cathedral will be able to get its own spire, which will be rebuilt in the same way as the previous one, designed by the 19th century architect Viollet-le-Duc and culminating at a height of 96 m.

Macron accompanied by the Minister of Culture

On April 15, 2019, images of Notre Dame on fire and its collapsing spire with its frame and part of its vaults shocked the world, triggering an unprecedented outpouring of solidarity (€846 million in donations from 340,000 donors).

Emmanuel Macron will also be accompanied, in particular, by the Minister of Culture of Rome, Abdul-Malak, and the Archbishop of Paris, Monsignor Laurent Ulrich.

Source: Le Parisien

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