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Nice: Christian Estrosi warns Elisabeth Bourne about Muslim prayers in elementary schools

He denounces “extremely serious” facts. Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi (Horizons) wrote to Prime Minister Elisabeth Bourne to warn her about “attempts to attack religion” in the city’s schools.

In a letter addressed to Elizabeth Bourne and posted on her Twitter account, the city council member mentions Muslim prayers and the organization of “minutes of silence in memory of the Prophet Muhammad” by children attending school in CM1 and CM2. “Extremely serious” facts that would have happened “in various institutions of my city,” writes the mayor of Nice, including “in secondary institutions.”

“At a time when families who left for jihad in Syria are starting to return to France and when some of their children are going back to school in our institutions, it seems to me necessary to exercise extreme caution and vigilance in this area.” , believes Christian Estrosi, assuring that the mayors “are currently not informed about the institutions in which these children study, which we must monitor with great vigilance, given their family history.”

Ciotti denounces ‘serious facts’

The mayor of Nice asks Elisabeth Borne to “strengthen the state’s actions so that these attacks on secularism are repelled harshly and that a major campaign to prevent and combat radicalization will better train the staff of the National Education.” The city councilor indicates that he also approached the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes “to draw up a plan of action to put an end to these excesses.”

On Twitter, Republican President and Alpes-Maritimes MP Eric Ciotti also denounces “serious facts” and asks the state to “intervene urgently.”

There were 438 attacks on secularism in schools in May, the Ministry of National Education reported to BFMTV in early June. A smaller number than in April (625). 300,000 teachers are also to be trained by the end of the five-year term to better prepare for questions or provocations about secularism.

Source: Le Parisien

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