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Immigration: London announces deal with Ankara to ‘crush smuggling networks’

Announced on Tuesday 8 August, this project, which plans to boost data sharing between the two countries, sees the establishment of a “center of excellence” by the Turkish police with support from London, in particular to facilitate data sharing in terms of “immigration”.

“As I have made clear, we must do everything to crush the smuggling networks and stop the ships,” said British Home Secretary Swella Braverman. The latter, who has called Turkey an “ally” and “close friend,” wants the two countries to work together.

Fighting illegal immigration: a British priority

In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis and a year before a decisive election to the ruling Conservative Party, the British government is making the fight against illegal immigration a priority and is ramping up announcements that are supposed to reduce, needlessly, the number of crossings across the English Channel. In recent weeks, the British government has stepped up its rhetoric to discourage would-be asylum-seekers from crossing the border dangerously.

The new “center of excellence” in Turkey is expected to strengthen cooperation between the national crime agency and British intelligence teams based in Turkey on the one hand, and their Turkish counterparts on the other, in particular to prevent the export of homemade boats across Europe.

This Wednesday, August 9, British Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick declined to say how much London gave Turkey as part of this agreement. “It’s not just about the money,” he told GB News. “Mostly it’s about intelligence and information sharing,” he added.

On Monday, after weeks of delay, 15 asylum seekers were placed on a barge at a dock in the southwest of England. This project has been sharply criticized by human rights associations. Ultimately, this barge should accommodate up to 500 asylum seekers. The government also announced this week that it has set up a group to fight “lawyers who help migrants use the migration system” in the UK.

Source: Le Parisien

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