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The death of General Georgelin: Emmanuel Macron salutes the “master of rebirth” of Notre Dame

The death of General Georgelin: Emmanuel Macron salutes the “master of rebirth” of Notre Dame

The death of General Georgelin: Emmanuel Macron salutes the “master of rebirth” of Notre Dame

Jean-Louis Georgelin, who led the reconstruction of Notre Dame de Paris since 2019, died on Friday while on a trip to Ariège. His body was found on the slopes of Mont Valier, one of the most beautiful peaks in the department.

It was Emmanuel Macron who entrusted the former chief of staff of the armies with the leadership of the work of Notre Dame, striving to restore the cathedral, partially destroyed by fire on April 15, 2019, as soon as possible.

This Saturday the President of the Republic welcomed the great man. “The nation is losing one of its great soldiers. France, one of her great servants. And Notre Dame, the main builder of its renaissance,” Emmanuel Macron replied on X (formerly Twitter).

“He was an amazing person, always at the forefront,” says Parisian Didier Durand, who coordinated the work of the masons on the renovation of the building. “He knew little about construction, but had a human gift for finding competent people and trusting them. He really wanted to finish on time,” he says.

Former President François Hollande praises the “inexhaustible passion” and “extraordinary professionalism” that the soldier has always displayed in the service of France. “It was on this that the authority that he enjoyed among mankind was based,” he believes.

Pierre Moscovici, chairman of the Accounts Chamber, sends a slightly more personal message. “An exceptional personality with a strong character and a subtle mind, he will not see the culmination of the reconstruction of Notre Dame, to which he devoted himself with faith and efficiency,” writes the former socialist minister on X.

“At the head of a public institution, he led his teams with perseverance, conviction, love for the cathedral and the church, so that Notre Dame opened at the end of 2024,” also promotes Olivier Ribado Dumas, rector-archpriest. cathedral.

Rome’s culture minister, Abdul Malak, said she was “terribly saddened by (this) brutal death.” “He devoted four years to fulfilling his main combat mission,” she welcomes. He “carried in himself a certain idea of ​​fidelity and obligation. He will not see the rebuilt Notre Dame, his latest project, ”the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sebastien Lecornu, regrets. “His culture and his righteousness, his energy and his commitment were exceptional,” adds Clement Bon, Minister of Transport, an elected Parisian.

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, also expressed her emotions by giving her “respect” and “recognition” to the five-star general. “He liked to say that he is nothing without the talent of all the women and all the men mobilized in this unique project, the work of a lifetime,” the mayor wrote on X.

“A terrible loss, the death of General Georgelin. During his military career and then as director of the colossal Notre Dame Cathedral, he has always shown dedication and unwavering commitment,” pays tribute to 7th arrondissement mayor Rashida Dati.

Former Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot expressed her “deep sadness” at the disappearance of a man who “dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the service of France”. »

A “strong personality” for Republican President Eric Ciotti, the former general has the merit of “overcoming all technocratic hurdles” to rebuild Notre Dame.

Olivier Ribado-Dum claims that “the teams of Notre Dame de Paris share the pain of the general’s loved ones”.

Source: Le Parisien

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