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Presidential elections 2022: thanks to donations of 3.3 million euros, Valerie Pecresse completes loan repayments

Presidential elections 2022: thanks to donations of 3.3 million euros, Valerie Pecresse completes loan repayments

Presidential elections 2022: thanks to donations of 3.3 million euros, Valerie Pecresse completes loan repayments

With no votes, Valerie Pecresse was flooded with donations. The former presidential candidate, who launched “Pecresseton” the day after the first round, managed to collect 5.1 million euros, which she borrowed for the election campaign and which will not be reimbursed to her by the state due to her result, less than more than 5%.

In detail, Valerie Pecresse received not 5.1 million euros in donations from individuals, but 3.3 million euros. But to this amount must be added the contribution of the Republicans, who turned their loan to the candidate into financial participation, in the amount of 1.2 million euros. Or approximately 25% of the amount borrowed by Valerie Pecresse. In total, as reported by LR, the party will spend almost 8 million euros on the entire presidential campaign. Finally, almost 600,000 euros of public money, corresponding to the second tranche of fixed compensation for candidates who do not receive 5% of the votes, will also go to Pecresseton.

“After Sarkozy’s refusal, donations increased significantly! »

It is estimated that about 20,000 people from the circle of the president of the Ile-de-France region sent their donations to the financial association Valerie Pecresse. Small free donations, less than 30 euros, up to the legal ceiling of 4,600 euros.

The most high-profile donation was that of Nicolas Sarkozy, whose €2,000 check was proudly rejected by those angry at the former president of the republic for his lack of support for his election campaign. “After Sarkozy’s refusal, donations increased significantly! LR’s manager laughs.

Other donations were refused, in particular because they exceeded the legal limit or because they came from legal entities such as associations, which is prohibited by law. The head of the election headquarters notes that all tenors of the Republic of Lithuania, for their part, sent a check: “It was difficult for them to do otherwise…”

The candidate and her husband donated 4,600 euros each.

As for Valerie Pecresse and her husband Jerome, they each donated 4,600 euros. The candidate warned that she would also have to pay out of her own pocket the difference between the 5.1 million euros sought and the amount finally collected. So she won’t have to rob the bank.

The donation site is scheduled to close after Tuesday, May 31st. It will be replaced by a message from Valerie Pecresse, in which she thanks the donors “from the bottom of my heart.” “Thanks to you, thanks to Republican support, my presidential campaign is now fully funded. And the consumer loan I took out will be repaid,” she rejoices.

“I also wanted to thank you and express all my gratitude for the tens of thousands of messages of sympathy and affection that you have sent me,” added the one for whom these “messages of support” “encourage her to continue” her “commitment.” the French and France.”

Source: Le Parisien

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