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March against anti-Semitism: Yassin Belattar’s meeting at the Elysee Palace indicated a majority

Critics of the far right are making their way into the ranks of the majority. The head of the Renaissance parliamentary corps, Sylvain Maillard, “regretted” that comedian Yacine Belattar was received last week by Emmanuel Macron’s advisers. The meeting sparked outrage on the right and far right, which linked it to the absence of the head of state and a march against anti-Semitism.

“I regret this because I believe that the staff of the Elysee Palace will not achieve this place,” reacted Sylvain Maillard to franceinfo. According to Express, two of Emmanuel Macron’s advisers welcomed Yassin Belattar last week to monitor the situation in the suburbs on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The newspaper also linked this visit to the Elysee Palace with the head of state’s decision not to participate in the march against anti-Semitism next Sunday.

The comedian and radio host’s speeches about the suburbs brought him to the attention of Emmanuel Macron, who appointed him in 2018 to the Presidential Council of Cities to fuel the executive’s views on neighborhood priorities. A longtime target of right-wing and far-right activists who accuse him of being close to Islamism, the columnist was sentenced last September to four months in prison for death threats and crimes against several figures in the entertainment world.

“It is therefore from Yacine Belattar, recently convicted of death threats and known for his links to Islamists, that the head of state takes advice about his participation in the march against anti-Semitism,” Marine Le Pen said on X (formerly Twitter). . For Francois-Xavier Bellamy (LR) it is “an absolute disgrace”.

Yassin Belattar criticized the controversy

The comedian responded to the scandal on his Instagram account this Friday. He particularly deplored the fact that “the French media have become a mouthpiece for the most hidden racists in this country.” “The very idea of ​​a Frenchman of foreign origin, and a Muslim, entering the Elysee Palace has just caused a two-day scandal in our country,” he added. Between bandit, Islamist passing by the famous close to the Muslim BrotherhoodI think the dizziness I feel makes me a person who can be defeated by any means necessary. »

“I understand and support the Jewish community in its extreme emotions in the face of the events of October 7, just as I supported the Palestinian people after the bombings of October 8, 9, 10, 11, 12…” he said. .. written in a message explaining his decision not to participate in the march against anti-Semitism, clarifying that he would not march with his “executioners,” referring to far-right parties.

Source: Le Parisien

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