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VIDEO.  Sandrine Jausseau, a member of parliament unknowingly drugged, received a standing ovation for her return to the Assembly

VIDEO. Sandrine Jausseau, a member of parliament unknowingly drugged, received a standing ovation for her return to the Assembly

VIDEO.  Sandrine Jausseau, a member of parliament unknowingly drugged, received a standing ovation for her return to the Assembly

Democratic MP Sandrine Jausseau on Tuesday called on the government to tackle the issue of chemical agents “head-on” in order to “bring out of oblivion” all the victims of this still little-known phenomenon. “This social fact is a scourge that leads to thousands of victims,” the elected representative of the Loire-Atlantique, who filed a complaint in November against Senator Joel Guerriot, whom she accuses of drugging him with the aim of sexually assaulting him, told the National Assembly. . “From the cradle to the nursing home, from the office to the home, from the nightclub to an evening out with friends: everything is in your medicine cabinet,” she added, expressing outrage that the topic was not “tackled head-on.” .

The elected official, whose return to the half-cycle was greeted with applause, called on the executive branch to “put in place funds” to “better understand this phenomenon and finally find a way to remove all victims from the situation.” ‘oblivion’. Believing that the issue deserves “the mobilization of society as a whole,” the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men, Aurore Berger, acknowledged that it was necessary to “go further (…) to better support victims.”

“The existing damage, particularly psychological damage, can continue for weeks, months or even years later due to traumatic amnesia,” she said. Chemical domination is the use of psychoactive substances for criminal purposes without the knowledge of the victim or under threat in order to commit a crime or misdemeanor.

Source: Le Parisien

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