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Vagal discomfort, the war in Ukraine, SNU… What should be remembered from Emmanuel Macron’s wishes to the armies

Vagal discomfort, the war in Ukraine, SNU… What should be remembered from Emmanuel Macron’s wishes to the armies

Vagal discomfort, the war in Ukraine, SNU… What should be remembered from Emmanuel Macron’s wishes to the armies

The exercises are repeated every year. In Cherbourg, during the traditional salute to the armies, the president defended his defense record after six years as head of state. Emmanuel Macron welcomed the fact that “the budget of our armies [ait] was doubled over a five-year period. “This was important when there were multiplying crises, sometimes simultaneous,” he said, before focusing more specifically on the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

War in Ukraine. “We will continue to help Ukrainians,” the head of state assured, welcoming that the French army was the first to deploy “so quickly and so massively” after February 2022. “Russia’s victory is the end of European security.” – said the head of state to the soldiers gathered in Cherbourg.

Vagal discomfort. In the middle of his speech, Emmanuel Macron was interrupted by the discomfort of a soldier standing immediately behind him. “I assure you, this is vagal discomfort, it should not be serious,” the head of state immediately explained before resuming his speech.

Universal National Service. The head of state promised a “significant impulse” from the SNU, without naming a date or specifying the nature of this impulse. During his press conference Tuesday night, he promised to spread it to second graders. “It is necessary to consolidate a society determined to meet its destiny,” the president said.

War between Israel and Hamas. The President assured that France “maintains its role” in supporting the population of the Gaza Strip. “We will continue our efforts. No other Western country had such intensity” in sending aid, the head of state defended, referring in particular to sending food and medicine.

Source: Le Parisien

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