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Political journalists: Benjamin Duhamel, Neila Latrous, Le Bret… The Attal generation comes to power

Election after election, the observation is the same, inexorable: young people avoid polling stations and lose interest in politics. In the media it’s the other way around. The material excites children journalists from their school days. One only had to miss the ministerial reshuffle that followed Gabriel Attal’s appointment to Matignon to see childish-looking journalists on all channels, performing duplexes in front of the Elysee Palace or reporting their latest misdeeds on television.

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“During the last press conference of the President of the Republic, this was obvious. A new generation has come to power,” whispers a representative of France Télévisions. That day, the first question to the head of state was asked by 41-year-old Jean-Rémy Baudot from Franceinfo. Latest from Sehla Bugriu from TF 1, 34 years old. And these two are veterans compared to BFMTV’s Benjamin Duhamel or CNews’ Gauthier Le Bret, both 28 years old.

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Source: Le Parisien

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