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Doctors abroad, emergencies, missed appointments: Dr. Attal’s prescriptions are not always new

Doctors abroad, emergencies, missed appointments: Dr. Attal’s prescriptions are not always new

Doctors abroad, emergencies, missed appointments: Dr. Attal’s prescriptions are not always new

Gabriel Attal knew that not only the farmers, but also the guardians were eagerly waiting for him. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister delivered his general policy speech in a heated semi-circle and in a context where the hospital and the wider health system are hanging by a thread. “I want to pay tribute to all carers in France. Each in their role, each in their specialty, they are the epitome of commitment and support,” exclaimed a former government spokesman before unveiling a series of measures, some of which had already been announced.

Gabriel Attal will, in particular, appoint “an emissary responsible for searching abroad for doctors who would like to come and practice in France”, in addition to the regularization of medical practitioners of other nationalities already present in France, as announced there by Emmanuel Macron two weeks ago . “We must find ways to bring back our young French people who have gone to study medicine abroad,” he added.

“I’ve already received three text messages from people asking if it will be me,” laughs emergency doctor Matthias Vargon, who is at the center of the topic. But, he said, the priority is “better provision: salary, education for children, confidence that they will be registered with the Council of the Order upon completion of training, etc.” “. “Every day I already receive applications from abroad. People write spontaneously,” he adds.

Childcare obligations coming soon?

Gabriel Attal also intends to fight medical deserts and “act so that there are no forgotten territories.” Next summer, every department “should have access to care services, and specialists will ensure continuity of care.” This system (SAS) should make it possible to relieve emergency departments in the event of unavailability of the attending physician by redirecting individual patients. The Prime Minister says that in areas that remain deprived of this, he is “ready to go further by restoring on-call duties for private doctors in the evenings or at weekends, in their offices, in hospitals or in their homes”. .

The transition from 6,000 to 10,000 paramedics will be “accelerated”, allowing doctors to spend more time with their patients. “This will be 2.5 million consultations issued annually to patients,” the head of government said, without specifying the schedule. Emmanuel Macron said a year ago that he wants to reach 10,000 by the end of 2024.

Minimum service in the hospital

Gabriel Attal also believes that “when you have an appointment with a doctor and you don’t show up unannounced, you pay.” Nothing new on this topic: on April 23, Emmanuel Macron already stated in Le Parisien that “we are going to give a little sanction to those who do not come to the rallies.” But the Prime Minister wants it to “lead to clear action this year”. The Senate voted for such a “rabbit tax” last November, but the measure disappeared from the 2024 Social Security funding bill that ultimately passed 49.3.

Finally, the level of care is minimal in a hospital where many services – especially in the emergency department – are under heavy pressure. Gabriel Attal simply promised to “continue (her) action” in his favor. “Ségur de la santé products are not yet everywhere. This heaviness and slowness is unbearable. I want this to change quickly! “, he asserted. The entourage of the Minister of Labor and Health Catherine Vautrin has not yet disclosed details on all these topics and refers to her upcoming interview on Wednesday morning on the morning show of RMC and BFMTV.

Source: Le Parisien

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