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National tribute to Hamas victims: families ask Emmanuel Macron to ‘ban any presence of LFI’

They don’t want La France representatives to embarrass themselves during the national tribute. The families of several Franco-Israelis killed in the terrorist attacks of October 7 sent a letter to the Elysee Palace on Tuesday, January 30, asking the President of the Republic to “prohibit any presence of La France Insoumise at the national tribute ceremony, which will be paid on February 7 at the House Disabled people.”

In this letter, written by the families and the No Silence collective and accessed by Le Parisien, the families of the five victims defend their position, explaining that “Insoumise France and its representatives have never wanted to condemn or recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization, the armed wing of the Islamic jihad.”

“We don’t want LFI to shame victims.”

The chairwoman of the La France insoumise group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, announced on January 23 that she would take part in the remembrance ceremony. “And I asked that tribute be paid to all the French who have become victims of this war in the Middle East,” she added. According to the signatories, his presence “would be an insult to the memory of the victims.” They also believe that “LFI bears a very heavy responsibility for the explosion of Judeophobia in our country and is finally marked with shame.”

“One of my cousins ​​started saying we can’t leave this. We do not want LFI to disgrace the victims of October 7,” explains Parisien Olivier, a cousin of the Dan Calderon family, two of whose members were killed and three taken hostage. The children Erez and Sahar were released on November 27, but their father Ofer is believed to still be held by Hamas.

“I don’t know what Emmanuel Macron can do, but we can’t let these people tarnish the tribute. “It is unbearable for them to talk about the burning of an 80-year-old woman and a 12-year-old girl as an act of resistance,” Olivier adds, referring to statements by MP Danielle Obono. He also assures that other families of the victims have been contacted to also sign this letter.

“We are very grateful for your desire to honor the memory of the victims and hope that this tribute will be held with the greatest respect and true solemnity. It does not seem possible to us that a political force could directly or indirectly link Hamas terrorists with this tribute, exploiting it. The day of February 7th should allow us to honor their memory, to soothe the pain and restore the living, to give each of us the opportunity to reflect and listen to the stories so that they integrate the French national history. letter.

Source: Le Parisien

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