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General political speech by Gabriel Attal: how can you “de-card France”?

This is a side effect that the government has decided to deal with. Wanting to protect the French from too low wages by setting a minimum income level, many companies have made the minimum wage the benchmark for a large number of their employees. Today, almost one in five people in the non-agricultural private sector receive €1,398.69 net per month, which corresponds to the current level of the minimum wage (SMIC). They were 17.3% in 2023, up from just 12% in 2021, according to Dares. The share is “much larger than that of our neighbors,” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal lamented on Tuesday, January 30, during his general policy speech at the National Assembly. Assembly.

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“So yes, I can say this: we must de-emcarticize France,” he added. With the next finance bill, based on proposals from parliamentarians, social partners and a certain amount of expert work that is currently being carried out, we will begin to reform this system. »

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Source: Le Parisien

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