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These standards that drive the French crazy: the government (re)starts the battle to simplify

“But stop annoying the French! There are too many laws, too many texts, too many rules in this country. We are dying! “It was in 1966, when Emmanuel Macron was not yet born, that Georges Pompidou, then prime minister, scolded a young employee who handed him a stack of documents for the initialization of … a certain Jacques Chirac.

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Almost sixty years later, the regulatory, administrative and, in short, legislative preponderance has not diminished. Worse, obese, he achieved the feat of helping farmers leave the fields within about ten days, tired of these piles of sometimes contradictory texts. Under the slogan: “Let’s trim our hedges the way we want.” » The maintenance or planting of these elements essential to biodiversity has become a symbol of this administrative saturation, with no less than fourteen regulatory measures distributed, among others, between the Environmental Code, the Rural Code and the Urban Planning Code.

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Source: Le Parisien

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