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Disinformation, Putin’s other war: “The goal is to escalate tensions in France”

Disinformation, Putin’s other war: “The goal is to escalate tensions in France”

Disinformation, Putin’s other war: “The goal is to escalate tensions in France”

To become a soldier of disinformation, all you need is a computer. The smartest fake video coming up with anti-green graffiti on the streets of Paris. Others spread fake news on social media through false press articles or real propaganda sites. If the media space has long become a platform for confrontation between states, then the Internet and artificial intelligence have multiplied the power of false information. Virtual attacks have become so widespread that Western military headquarters take them as seriously as physical combat.

On Friday, February 16, the day of the death of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny, Emmanuel Macron condemned the intensification of this “hybrid, low-noise war” in recent months. “A change in position” of the Kremlin, which “very clearly indicates the desire for aggression towards us” and which “requires a collective start.”

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Source: Le Parisien

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