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Misak Manushyan, “preferably French,” enters the Pantheon: behind the scenes of the ceremony

Misak Manushyan, “preferably French,” enters the Pantheon: behind the scenes of the ceremony

Misak Manushyan, “preferably French,” enters the Pantheon: behind the scenes of the ceremony

Misak Manouchian is still buried in the small cemetery of Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), under a simple tombstone maintained by the Le Souvenir Français association. On Tuesday evening, his remains will be deposited in Mont Valerien (Haute-Seine), where he was shot along with almost all his comrades in arms on February 21, 1944, after a mock trial. “Symbolically,” the Elysée Palace emphasizes, he will thus “join Mont-Valérien’s dead for France” until the final recognition of the Republic.

On Wednesday, 80 years after his execution, Misak Manushyan, worker and poet, “communist, Armenian, internationalist,” summarizes Denis Peschansky, a historian of foreign resistance, will enter the Pantheon, accompanied by his great beloved Meline. And along with them, symbolically, a memorial plaque with their name, 22 other members of the Manushian group. Jews, Poles, Hungarians, Italians, Spaniards, Romanians and French who fought together against the Nazi occupiers in France. The Motherland is grateful to these great people.

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Source: Le Parisien

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