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European elections: the majority will begin their campaign on March 9 in Lille

Four months before the elections, Emmanuel Macron’s majority will begin his campaign for the European elections. It will be launched on March 9 in Lille “in the presence of the head of the list,” as reported by AFP this Wednesday from the president’s Renaissance Party. Therefore, the head of the majority list, which should go under the slogan “Need in Europe,” will be announced before this public meeting, the same source clarifies.

Although most parties have already appointed their leader, with the first televised debate scheduled for 14 March, several leaders from Emmanuel Macron’s camp have refused the role or ruled out the possibility, including former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire, former ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian, Richard Ferrand and Julien Denormandy.

But many other names are also circulating, including those of Olivier Veran, Thierry Breton, and the President of the Renaissance Group in the European Parliament, Valérie Ayer. Last quote: Le Canard Chainé, Renaissance Member of Parliament Maude Bréjon. Member of the European Parliament Gilles Boyer, who is close to Edouard Philippe, defended the candidacy of Clément Beaune, former Minister Delegate for European Affairs and then Transport and a member of the left wing of the majority, in the newspaper Le Figaro on Monday.

“We are looking for a five-legged ram: someone who knows Europe very well, but is also very famous and very good at debating…” the MEP explained in our columns last week. “The idea is to accelerate in order to make a decision quickly enough to be able to enter the campaign,” assured the Parisian, however, a close friend of Emmanuel Macron.

Members of the government and majority leaders will be present on March 9 at the Grand Palais in Lille. The composition of the list, whose slogan will be “Need for Europe” and which should include candidates from “Renaissance”, “Modem”, “Horizons”, “Radical Party” or even “UDI” if they agree with this center-right formation, will be made public after this meeting. , public.

Source: Le Parisien

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