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Agricultural exhibition: after a busy inauguration, the figures of the left parade

Agricultural exhibition: after a busy inauguration, the figures of the left parade

Agricultural exhibition: after a busy inauguration, the figures of the left parade

To be heard by farmers and the French, the left in all its diversity will gather around Aureilette, the Normandy cow, the face of the 60th agricultural exhibition, which began on Saturday. Almost all the main leaders of the left, and especially the candidates for the European elections next June, will mingle with the 600,000 visitors expected in the coming days at the Versailles Gate in Paris, at the bedside of an angry sector, but which traditionally has little voting for them.

Unless Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whose last visit dates back to 2013, plans to go there, Insoumis will be represented by Manon Aubry, the head of their list of Europeans, who planned to spend all day there on Monday. She will meet “all trade unions” halfway and put forward two main demands: “Establish minimum prices so that farmers are no longer cash cows, and an end to unfair competition.” » Returning from the exhibition, the MEP, co-chair of the Left group, promises to fight in the European Parliament against two new trade agreements with Chile and Kenya. “We were the only group to vote against it in committee,” she claims.

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Source: Le Parisien

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