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Macron in Brazil: atoms on hooks

After the Amazon Forest with Chef Raoni on Tuesday, a change of scenery on Wednesday. It was at a naval base near Rio that Emmanuel Macron, on the second day of his state visit to Brazil, met with Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva for the launch of a diesel-electric submarine designed by the French shipyard Naval Group as part of the strategic partnership between Paris and Brasilia . Tonelero, the third submersible in a program launched in 2008 with four planned to be built, was christened in champagne by its godmother, Lula’s wife. “We have never shared our know-how as widely as we have with Brazil, and we are proud of that,” the president said.

But his master expects more from his “comrade Macron.” Much more. Discussed? The fifth submarine, under this agreement, will be… nuclear. In accordance with international treaties on the non-proliferation of atomic weapons, France intends to leave all construction of the nuclear boiler house (reactor) to the Brazilians. However, Lula would like to benefit from French know-how in this area through the transfer of nuclear technology. “Not to make war, but to ensure peace,” he pleads. Let the French know when you return to Paris. »

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Source: Le Parisien

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