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“On this plateau, freedom has always been at home,” Macron said in Vasier-en-Vercors.

“On this plateau, freedom has always been at home,” Macron said in Vasier-en-Vercors.

“On this plateau, freedom has always been at home,” Macron said in Vasier-en-Vercors.

“80 years ago, right here, the French militia began a repression against this village in Vercors,” Emmanuel Macron recalled in a speech in Vassiers-en-Vercors (Drôme), where dozens of resistance fighters and civilians were killed by the German army during the Second world war. “On this plateau, freedom has always been at home,” welcomed the President of the Republic in response to “hints of cooperation and the disgusting winds of Nazi crimes.”

Emmanuel Macron travels on Tuesday to the village of Vasier-en-Vercors in Drome, a former World War II Maquis whose population was massacred by the German army and French militia in July 1943. The village where “resistance militants found themselves under siege by the Germans is one in ten,” the head of state recalled.

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The German attack ordered in July killed 600 resistance fighters and 200 civilians, Emmanuel Macron said. “Here are 65 corpses thrown into the field, there are dozens of others among the ruins, these two were hanged, the rest were beheaded,” he listed in his speech. Emmanuel Macron emphasized the decisive role that, according to the president, was played by the French militia who collaborated with the Nazi occupation at the time, these “French people who did not love France.”

Source: Le Parisien

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